Sage 300 CRE® : Connects Procore to Sage 300 Construction & Real Estate
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Procore's Accounting Integrations connect Procore with your ERP or Accounting system, uniting the office and field teams with one source of financial project data.
Popular Tutorials (view all)
Top FAQ (view all)
- What's the difference between a job, a parent job, and a sub job?
- What is the maximum character length for a 'Company Name' in the Directory tool?
- Why can't I create or activate Procore projects?
- Which budget views should I add to my Procore projects?
- How do I resolve a "The Import operation took longer than the set timeout" error when exporting to ERP?
Quick Links
- Sage 300 CRE® course on the Procore Learning Portal
- View this integration on Procore's App Marketplace
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- Accept or Reject a Budget for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a CCO for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Commitment for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Company for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a PCCO for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Project for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject a Sub Job for Export to ERP
- Accept or Reject Subcontractor Invoices for Export to ERP
- Add an ERP Company to the Procore Company Directory
- Add an ERP Job to Procore
- Add Columns to a Budget View for ERP Job Cost Transaction Detail
- Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to a Project
- Add the 'ERP Direct Costs' Column to a Procore Budget View for ERP Integrations
- Archive an ERP Company in Procore
- Archive and Unarchive Cost Codes Synced With an ERP Integration
- Assign Default Cost Types To ERP Standard Cost Codes
- Configure Advanced Settings: ERP Integrations
- Configure Cost Code Preferences for ERP
- Configure the ERP Budget Export Settings for Sage 300 CRE®
- Configure the Vendor Type Import Settings for Sage 300 CRE®
- Consolidate and Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
- Consolidate Duplicate Companies in the Company Directory
- Create an hh2 Service Account in Sage 300 CRE®
- Delete a CCO Synced with ERP
- Delete a Commitment Synced with ERP
- Delete Cost Type Assignments from a Synced ERP Project Cost Code List
- Delete Project Cost Codes from an ERP Integrated Project
- Edit a Commitment Synced with ERP
- Edit Synced Direct Cost Transactions
- Edit the Name of an ERP Integrated Sub Job in Procore
- Enable ERP Billed Rate Transaction Syncing for Sage 300 CRE®
- Enable ERP Job Cost Transaction Syncing on a Procore Project
- Enable or Disable ERP Direct Exports
- Export a Commitment Change Order (CCO) to ERP
- Export a Commitment to ERP
- Export a PCCO to ERP
- Export a Procore Budget to ERP
- Export a Procore Company Record to ERP
- Export a Sub Job to Sage 300 CRE®
- Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore to ERP
- Grant Accounting Approver Privileges
- Import a Budget from ERP
- Import a Prime Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore
- Import an ERP Sub Job to a Procore Project
- Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
- Link ERP Projects to Existing Procore Projects
- Perform an On-Demand Sync with Sage 300 CRE®
- Refresh the Cost Codes on an ERP Integrated Project
- Re-Import a Budget from ERP
- Re-import a Prime Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore
- Remove Duplicate Companies from the Company Directory
- Resend a Rejected Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected CCO to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected PCCO to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Project to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Sub Job to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Resend a Rejected Subcontractor Invoice to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Restore an Archived ERP Company for ERP Integrations
- Retrieve a Budget from ERP Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a CCO from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Commitment from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Company from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a PCCO from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Project from ERP Before Accounting Acceptance
- Retrieve a Sub Job from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Retrieve a Subcontractor Invoice from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
- Send a Budget to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a CCO to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a PCCO to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Procore Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Procore Project to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
- Send a Sub Job to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Send Subcontractor Invoices to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
- Set Up the Export Subcontractor Invoices Feature for Sage 300 CRE®
- Set Up the hh2 Sync Client to Sync Cost Transactions Data
- Set Up the hh2 Synchronization Client for Exporting PCCOs
- Set Up the hh2 Synchronization Client to Import Sage 300 CRE Tax Groups
- Set Up the Import Sage 300 CRE® Tax Groups Feature
- Set Up your Payroll Export for use with Sage 300 CRE®
- Sync Job Cost Transactions from an Integrated ERP into Procore
- Unlink a Company Synced with ERP
- Unlink CCOs Synced with ERP
- Unlink Commitments Synced with ERP
- Unlink Subcontractor Invoices Synced with ERP
- Update Project Cost Codes for Export to Sage 300 CRE®
- View a List of Synced Sub Jobs
- View an Accountant Report for ERP
- View an ERP Job Costs Report
- View the Archived Companies List for ERP
- View the Sync Schedule Page for Sage 300 CRE®
Set Up your Payroll Export for use with Sage
Sync Procore Projects with Sage Jobs
Import Vendors from Sage
Import a Prime Contract from Sage
Export Prime Contract Change Orders to Sage
Export a Procore Budget to Sage
Export a Procore Commitment to Sage
Export a Procore CCO to Sage
Export a Subcontractor Invoice to Sage
Export Budget Modifications to Sage
Export Companies to Sage
Export Sub Jobs to Sage
Export Timesheet Data from Procore into Sage
OUTDATED VIDEOS - Removed from Support Site and Certifications
Sage Marketing Video
Export Timesheet Data from Procore into Sage 300 CRE®
Sage 300 CRE®: Export a Subcontractor Invoice to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export Budget Modifications to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export Companies to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export Sub Jobs to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export a Commitment to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export a Commitment Change Order to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export a Budget to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Export Prime Contract Change Orders to Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Import a Prime Contract from Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Import Vendors from Sage
Sage 300 CRE®: Sync Procore Projects with Sage Jobs
Sage 300 CRE Employee Sync
Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.
Import Prime Contract - Sage 300 CRE
Video content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.
Sync Procore Projects with Sage Jobs
Export Budget Modifications to Sage
Export Commitments to Sage
Export Commitment Change Orders (CCOs) to Sage
Import Sub Jobs for Sage-Integrated Projects in Procore
Sync Procore Companies with Sage Vendors
Procore Construction Financials & Sage 300 CRE: Harvey Builders
- What is the maximum character length for a commitment's 'Title'?
- Why can't I create or activate Procore projects?
- What happens if I have duplicate company records in Procore's Company Directory?
- Which budget views should I add to my Procore projects?
- Can I customize the numbering system for financial objects in Procore?
- What is the maximum character length for a commitment's 'Number (#)'?
- How do payments made in Procore Pay sync with an integrated ERP system?
- Which insurance fields in a Procore company sync with Sage 300 CRE vendors?
- How can I tell if a Procore project's budget is synced with an integrated ERP system?
- How often can I sync data between Sage 300 CRE and Procore?
- How does hh2 connect to the Sage 300 CRE server?
- What is the accounting approver role?
- Can I export Procore budget modifications to an integrated ERP system?
- What are 'cost types' and how does our ERP integration support them?
- What is the maximum character length for a 'Company Name' in the Directory tool?
- Are accounting approvers notified when data is awaiting acceptance in the ERP Integrations tool?
- How can I tell if a Procore project is synced with an integrated ERP system?
- What do the ERP icons mean?
- Are pending commitments automatically synced with integrated ERP systems?
- Can I change the selected vendor type after a company has been synced?
- Why is the Send to ERP button dimmed and not available in the Project Creation Assistant?
- Why is my Procore project missing from the ERP Integrations tool?
- Why can't I see the Sync or Refresh buttons in the ERP Integrations tool?
- What do I do when a commitment fails to export from the ERP Integrations tool?
- Which integrated ERP systems support the 'cost type' concept?
- How do I resolve a "The Import operation took longer than the set timeout" error when exporting to ERP?
- How do I resolve the "A commitment with code already exists" Error when Exporting to ERP
- Who receives a notification when an item is rejected from ERP?
- Do I need to create a dedicated user account in Sage 300 CRE for the hh2 synchronization client?
- Why is my Sage 300 CRE data not syncing?
- How do I export cost forecast data from a Procore budget to ERP
- What's the difference between a job, a parent job, and a sub job?
- Which cost code formats are supported by my ERP Integration?
- Can I edit or delete a commitment after its been synced with an integrated ERP system?
- How does the hh2 synchronization client transmit data?
- Why do I see an error when trying to export data to Sage 300 CRE?
- Why are recent changes to my Sage database missing in Procore?
- How do I export a project budget from Procore to Sage 300 CRE?
- Does the hh2 synchronization process for Sage 300 CRE require a Terminal Server?
- Can I delete a Sage 300 CRE cost code, cost type, or vendor from Procore?
The following workflow diagrams explain the order of operations when creating certain types of items in a Procore account that's integrated with Sage 300 CRE®.
- Job Setup
- Sub Job Setup
- Budget Update
- Create and Export Commitments
- Create and Export CCOs
- Create and Export PCCOs
- Create and Sync Vendors
- Set Up the Subcontractor Invoices Feature
- Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore
Job Setup
There are two different ways to set up a Procore/Sage integrated job.
Important! Jobs must be created in one location and pushed to the other, jobs CANNOT be created in both locations and linked together.
Sub Job Setup
Budget Update
If you need to update a budget in Procore after exporting it to Sage 300 CRE, use the workflow below as a guideline.
Create and Export Commitments
Follow the steps below to create commitments in Procore and then export them to Sage 300 CRE.
Important! After a Procore project is synced with a Sage job, commitments must always be created in Procore using the steps below. Do NOT create commitments directly in Sage 300 CRE.
Create and Export CCOs
Follow the steps outlined below to create Commitment Change Orders (CCOs) in Procore and then export them to Sage 300 CRE.
Important! Change orders can only be created from synced commitments.
Create and Export PCCOs
Follow the steps outlined below to create Prime Contract Change Orders (PCCOs) in Procore and then export them to Sage 300 CRE®.
Create and Sync Vendors
There are two different ways to sync vendor data between Procore and Sage 300 CRE.
Important! Vendors can be created in either Procore or Sage 300 CRE.
Set Up the Subcontractor Invoices Feature
Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore
Learn which user permissions are required to take the described actions in this tool.
Some actions that impact this tool are done in other Procore tools. See the User Permissions Matrix for the full list of actions taken in all other tools.
| | The action is available on Procore's Web, iOS, and/or Android application. Click to view the tutorial.
Users can take the action with this permission level.
Users can take this action with this permission level AND one or more additional requirements, like granular permissions.
Several available actions in the ERP Integrations tool also require Accounting Approver permissions. An Accounting Approver is a user with either 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions to the ERP Integrations tool who has been granted the 'Can Push to Accounting' privilege.
Not all ERP connectors support every action described below. To learn more about your connector's supported functions, see Things to Know About your ERP Integration.
Action | None | Read Only | Standard | Admin | Notes |
Accept or Reject Cost Codes for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject Owner Invoices for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject Subcontractor Invoices for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a Budget for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a CCO for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a Commitment for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a Company for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a PCCO for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a Project for Export to ERP |
Accept or Reject a Sub Job for Export to ERP |
Add a Procore Project to your ERP System |
Add an ERP Company to the Procore Company Directory |
Add an ERP Job to Procore |
Archive an ERP Company in Procore |
Assign Default Cost Types To ERP Standard Cost Codes |
Configure Advanced Settings: ERP Integrations |
Configure the Sync Schedule for your ERP Integration |
Enable or Disable ERP Direct Exports |
Import a Budget from ERP |
Import a Prime Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore |
Import an ERP Sub Job to a Procore Project |
Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies |
Refresh the Companies List for ERP |
Refresh the Cost Codes on an ERP Integrated Project |
Send, Retrieve, or Resend Items to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance |
Sync Job Cost Transactions from an Integrated ERP into Procore |
Sync Paid Invoice Notifications from ERP into Procore |
Unlink CCOs Synced with ERP |
Unlink Commitments Synced with ERP |
Unlink Owner Invoices Synced with ERP |
Unlink PCCOs Synced with ERP |
Unlink Subcontractor Invoices Synced with ERP |
Unlink a Company Synced with ERP |
View a List of Synced Sub Jobs |
Also requires 'Admin' level permissions to the Company level Directory tool, or 'Standard' level permissions with the 'Create New Project' granular permission. |
View an Accountant Report for ERP |
View an ERP Job Costs Report |
'Admin' level permissions to the ERP Integrations tool allows users to view this report at the Company level. To view at the Project level, users also require:
View an ERP Unsyncable Direct Costs Report |
Users do NOT require permissions to the ERP Integrations tool to view this report. They do require:
View the Archived Companies List for ERP |
Below are the notable changes to the Procore + Sage 300 CRE® integration.
Recent Changes
Improved Invoice line summarization with Sage 300 CRE® (08/05/2024)
Procore's Sage 300 CRE® Connector now consolidates multiple invoice lines into a single line per commitment, reducing unnecessary detail and simplifying financial reporting. No action is necessary to see this feature. If you would like to have this functionality turned off, please contact your Procore point of contact.
Improved Commitment Process with Sage 300 CRE® (07/10/2024)
Commitments are now posted automatically during the transmission process for a more streamlined export experience. Previously, commitments had to be posted manually, which created many disruptions. This update requires Sage 300 CRE® 23.2 or greater. Contact your Procore point of contact to get started today.