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Send a New Invoice as an Invoice Contact using Procore Pay

 General Availability in Select Markets (United States)
flag-us.png Procore Pay icon-external-link.png  is available in the United States. It is designed for General Contractors and Owner-Builders who act as their own General Contractors on a job. Procore Pay extends the Invoice Management icon-external-link.png functionality in the Procore web application to handle the payment process between general and specialty contractors.


To send a new invoice to a general contractor using Procore Pay as an invoice contact.  


If you're the invoice contact on a commitment in Procore, the general contractor's invoice administrator can start your invoicing process by sending you an 'Invite to Bill' so you can submit an invoice for the work your crew completed during the billing period. A Yes response indicates that you want to enter your invoice in Procore and send it to the general contractor for review. A No response indicates that you won't be submitting an invoice for the billing period. If you do not receive the Invite to Bill, you can still create an invoice from the commitment if there is an Open billing period. 

Some general contractors choose to collect invoices outside of Procore. If this is the case for your invoice, make sure that you understand the required submission process. Once your invoice is submitted, an invoice administrator can create your invoice for you using Procore's Invoice Management tools. For instructions, see Create an Invoice on Behalf of an Invoice Contact

With Procore Pay, Procore's Invoice Management tools also provide you with the ability to regenerate, preview, and sign your lien waivers for your invoices. 

Things to Consider



  1. Receive the Invite to Bill
  2. Respond to the Invite to Bill
  3. Update the General Information on the New Invoice
  4. Update the Schedule of Values on the New Invoice
  5. Add Attachments
  6. Save as a Draft or Send for Review
  7. Manage Lien Waivers
  8. Manage Sub-Tier Waivers

Receive the Invite to Bill

When a General Contractor sends a downstream collaborator an 'Invite to Bill', they invite an invoice contact to send a response. If you receive an invite, the Invited By person is the invoice administrator for the commitment that the invoice is billing against. This means you are an invoice contact and you can submit an invoice for work completed in the Billing Period. For instructions, see Respond to the Invite to Bill.


Does Procore send reminders about a Due Date? Yes. Procore emails a reminder to the invoice contact before the Due Date. It also sends a daily reminder after the Due Date passes. To limit the number of reminders you receive, always submit a Yes or No response before the Due Date. After you send your completed invoice or a No response, the reminders stop. 


Below is an example of an 'Invite to Bill' sent to an invoice contact. The Subject line is: "Project Name: [Procore User] has invited you to bill." Note that the do-no-reply address from Procoretech is unmonitored and only sends transactional notifications.


Respond to the Invite to Bill

To respond, review the Invoice Details in the invite. Under Do you want to bill this period? click a button:


  • Yes
    • To submit an invoice now, click Yes to launch the Procore web application and log in. Next, continue with Update the New Invoice
    • To submit an invoice later, keep the invite and click Yes or No before the Due Date.
  • No
    • To decline the invite, click No before the Due Date. A Thank You message acknowledges your response. To change your response, click Yes before the Due Date
Can't find your 'Invite to Bill'? Invoice contacts are granted permission to log into the Procore project. They also have 'Read Only' permissions or higher on the Commitments tool. If you can't find your invite, you can submit your invoice directly using the Commitments tool. For instructions, see What if my 'Invite to Bill' is lost or missing? 

Update the General Information on the New Invoice

In the New Invoice for [Contract #] page, update these sections: General Information and Schedule of Values before clicking Send.


Below is an example of the New Invoice for [Contract #] page that uses the Amount-Based accounting method. There are two accounting methods in Procore, but an invoice administrator can only select one for all of a project's contracts and invoices. See How do I set the accounting method for a contract?


General Information

This table provides you with helpful information to complete the data entry.

Field Field Type Description How to complete the entry... How is this created?
Contract Company Read Only Shows your company name. 

Note: This is the 'Contract Company' assigned on the purchase order or subcontract. The name is stored in the Company Directory. 
Verify your company name. If the name is wrong, contact the Invited By person on the 'Invite to Bill'. 

Important! Do not attempt to contact the person by replying to the invite. It's sent from an unmonitored do-no-reply address. 
Add a Company to the Company Directory
Invoice # Text Optional. Enter your invoice number. If your company is using custom invoice numbers, you can enter your invoice number here for reference. You can also leave the field blank.  -
Billing Date* Date Shows the billing date for the current billing period. This is set by the invoice administrator.  Leave the date or choose a different one.   Manage Billing Periods
Period Start* Date Shows the start date for the current billing period. This is set by the invoice administrator.  Leave the date or choose a different one.   Manage Billing Periods
Period End* Date Shows the end date for the current billing period. This is set by the invoice administrator.  Leave the date or choose a different one.  Manage Billing Periods
Billing Type:
Progress Billing
Option Shows the 'Billing Type' option. Set by the invoice administrator, this determines whether you sign a Progress or Final lien waiver.

Note: Depending on your agreement, you may be required to sign a Conditional and/or Unconditional lien waiver.
Select this option if you will be billing incrementally for work completed.

Note: To learn the difference between a Progress Conditional and Progress Unconditional lien waivers, see How are lien waivers categorized?
Set the Default Lien Waivers on a Project
Billing Type:
Final Billing
Option Shows the 'Billing Type' option. Set by the invoice administrator, this determines if you must sign a Progress or Final lien waiver.

Note: Depending on your agreement, you may be required to sign a Conditional and/or Unconditional lien waiver.
Select this option if this is your final invoice. To learn about lien waiver types, see What is a lien waiver?

Note: To learn the difference between Final Conditional and Final Unconditional lien waivers, see How are lien waivers categorized?
Set the Default Lien Waivers on a Project

Update the Schedule of Values on the New Invoice


Before you get started, important things to know about the Schedule of Values:

  • What is the accounting method? An invoice administrator sets the accounting method for your contract. This cannot be changed. To learn more, see How do I set the accounting method for a contract or funding?
  • For companies using a multi-tier change order configuration setting for Contract Management in Project Financials:
    • The 'Change Orders' section is only visible and available when the company's Procore Administrator has enabled the two (2) or three (3) tier change order configuration on the commitment. See Configure the Number of Commitment Change Order Tiers.
    • After expanding a line in the 'Change Orders' section, click the commitment change order line(s) and potential change order line(s) in order to expand them until you reach the data entry line items. 

Amount-Based Accounting Method

Use this method to invoice lump-sum amounts for the invoice line items on the Schedule of Values (SOV). Procore automatically calculates and adjusts the other entries on the line item for you. If you want to release retainage, enter a dollar amount as needed. Depending on your specific commitment, you may also have the option to bill for stored materials (pictured below). For details about the additional columns that appear when billing for stored materials, see About Stored Materials on Invoices.

Click here for more detailed information about the Amount Based accounting method.  

The amount-based accounting method requires data entry of lump sum amounts for each line item on the Schedule of Values. Note that Procore uses your entries to automatically calculate and update values in other columns. 

  1. Review each line item on the Schedule of Values: 
    • Item Number. Shows the line item number. 
    • Budget Code. Shows the budget code assigned to the line item.
    • Description of Work. Shows the description for the line item. 
    • Scheduled Value. Shows the scheduled value for the line item on the commitment contract. This is the line item's contract value. 
    • Work Completed from Previous Application (%). If previous invoices were created for this commitment, this cell shows a percentage value that represents the work completed during previous billing periods. 
  2. Enter your bill for work completed during the current billing period: 
    • Work Completed this Period. Enter an amount for the current billing period.
      If you completed half of the work for the line item, enter the amount in the Work Completed This Period column. For example, enter $250.00. Procore automatically calculates and updates these columns for the line item:
      • Total Completed & Stored to Date ($). If the line item has a scheduled value of $500.00, Procore adds $250.00, which is 50%. This represents the amount of the total work for the line item on this invoice plus any amount(s) from past billing periods. 
      • Total Completed & Stored to Date (%). If the line item has a scheduled value of $500.00, Procore changes the column value to 50%, which corresponds to your entry of $250.00. This represents the amount of the total work for the line item on this invoice plus any amount(s) from past billing periods. 
  3. If you received materials this billing period and are storing them on the job site (or in a storage facility), you have this option:
    • Conditional: New Materials Stored. Enter the amount of any new materials being stored for the current billing period. Your entry should exclude any costs entered in the 'Work Completed this Period' column. 
      If the invoice administrator turned ON the 'Enable Billing Separately for Stored Materials' setting for the commitment, enter a dollar amount for materials for this billing period. Your entry automatically calculates the values in these columns: 'Total Completed & Stored to Date ($) %' and 'Total Completed & Stored to Date (%).'
    • Previous Materials Stored. If this is the first invoice, this value is $0.00.
      If there are previous invoices, this value shows the cumulative amounts entered in 'New Materials Stored' on those invoices. An invoice contact cannot modify this setting.
    • Materials Presently Stored. Shows the amount of the materials being stored during the current billing period. 
    • Total Completed & Stored to Date ($). Shows the amount of the work completed and materials stored on the job site for the current invoice and on invoice(s) for past billing period(s).  
  4. If you are submitting an invoice requesting to release a retainage amount: 
    • Total Retainage Released. Enter the amount of retainage that you are requesting to be released this billing period.
      Note that you can request the amount to be released, but you are not permitted to change the retainage rate. 
    • Total Retainage. Shows the cumulative amount of retainage released for the line item. 
  5. Continue the steps above for each line item. 

Unit-Based Accounting Method

Use this method when invoicing for materials you've ordered in quantity. With this method, you either enter a percentage value 'Total Progress' column or a monetary value in the 'Work Progress' column. Procore automatically calculates and adjusts the other entries on the line item for you. If you want to release retainage, you can enter a dollar amount in the 'Retainage Released' column needed. 

Click here for more detailed information about the Unit-Based accounting method.  

The Unit-Based accounting method requires you to enter a quantity and unit price for each line item on the SOV. With this method, Procore automatically calculates line item totals for you. 

An asterisk (*) in the list below indicates that you can edit the value of the SOV line item on your invoice. 
  • Quantity
    Shows the total number of units for the line item. 
  • Unit Price
    Shows the expense incurred for each unit for the line item. 
  • Value
    Shows the total dollar amount of the line item. This is the sum of the Unit Price + Quantity values. 
  • Previous Quantity
    Shows the total number of units invoiced in previous billing periods. 
  • Previous Value
    Shows the total dollar amount invoiced in previous billing periods.
  • Total Progress %.*
    Enter a percentage amount that reflects your total progress. Your entry must reflect the cumulative progress of any previous billing periods and the current billing period. 
  • New Quantity.*
    Enter a new quantity to reflect the quantity being billed this period on the new invoice. 

    icon-calculator.png calculator icon indicates that Procore automatically calculates the line item's Amount based on the entries in the Qty, UOM, and Unit Cost fields. Click here to see an example.

  • New Value.*
    Enter a new value to reflect the value of the line item being billed this period on the new invoice. 

    A icon-warning-estimating.png warning icon indicates a user's Amount entry overrides the automatic calculation with a custom amount. Click here to see an example.

  • Retainage Released.*
    Enter a dollar amount of retainage to be released this billing period. 
  • Total Retainage
    Shows the total dollar amount of retainage to be released for the line item. 


Add Attachments on the New Invoice

To add attachments, click Attach Files to upload any files. You can also drag-and-drop any files. 


Want to attach new files at a later time? To attach files after an invoice administrator approves your invoice (see What are the default statuses for Procore invoices?), you must have 'Standard' level permissions on the project's Commitments tool. Typically, invoice contacts are not granted 'Standard' permissions. However, some invoice administrators choose to make exceptions for trusted contacts on a case-by-case basis.

Save as a Draft or Send for Review

To send your invoice back to the invoice administrator for review, click one of these buttons:

  • To save a Draft invoice, click Save as Draft. You can complete it later before the Due Date
    Want to share your invoice with others? If so, see Export Subcontractor Invoices. Then insert the exported file as an email attachment or review it as a printout.
  • To send your completed invoice for review, click Send. This changes the invoice's status to Under Review and sends an email to the invoice administrator.
    Note: If lien waivers are present, the button will say Next. Click Next to review and sign associated lien waivers. 

Manage Lien Waivers

With Procore Pay, invoice contacts can preview, sign, and regenerate lien waivers for an invoice. Anyone who can view an invoice can preview signed conditional lien waivers.  For a list of tasks related to managing lien waivers with the Invoice Management tools, see Manage Lien Waivers on Project Invoices

Preview Lien Waivers

To preview the invoice's lien waivers, scroll to the Lien Waivers card and click the Preview button. This downloads a PDF copy of the selected lien waiver. If your computer is set up to open PDF in a third-party PDF viewer, this opens the PDF. For instructions, see Preview Lien Waivers on Project Invoices.


Sign Lien Waivers

  1. Open the invoice with the lien waiver to sign.

    How to open an invoice? If you are an invoice contact, you can open the invoices using one of these methods:

    • Navigate to the Project level Commitments tool. Next, locate your commitment and click the Number link. In the contract, click the Invoices tab. Locate the invoice and click its Invoice # link.
    • If you received an invite to bill for the Procore project, open the message in your email program's Inbox and click the View Online link. 
  2. Scroll to the Lien Waivers card.
  3. Click Sign.
    • Where is the Sign button? The Sign button only appears when an invoice is in the Pending Signature state.
    • Is it safe to sign an unconditional lien waiver before receiving this invoice payment? Yes. For unconditional lien waivers, a GRAY banner indicates that your signature is hidden from the payor until the corresponding invoice is paid in full.  Although it is uncommon to provide the payor with a signed lien waiver before receiving payment, you do have the option to manually unlock a signed unconditional lien waiver. For instructions, see Unlock a Signed Unconditional Lien Waiver as an Invoice Contact
    • What if I don't have legal authority to sign lien waivers for my company? As an invoice contact, you can share signature authority with the appropriate person. To learn more, see Share Lien Waiver Signature Authority.
  4. In the [Company Name] is Requesting a Lien Waiver window, click Fill Out & Sign.
    This opens the Fill Out Document window. 
  5. Conditional. Choose from these options, depending on the type of lien waiver you are signing:
    • Before signing a lien waiver, it is important to understand the different lien waiver types. See What is a lien waiver?
    • A signed lien waiver is your legal acknowledgment that payment has been received. When you receive a progress and/or final payment, a signed lien waiver may be required by your general contractor. Depending on the job location, the State government may also require a mandatory lien waiver form, which is included with your invoice. 
    • To protect your legal and financial interests, it is important to understand what you are signing and when you furnish a signed lien waiver. 
    • Conditional.  A conditional lien waiver should be signed when you expect to receive a progress or final payment. Signing a conditional lien waiver only waives your lien rights for the amount specified through a specific date on the condition that payment through that date is received.
    • Unconditional. An unconditional lien waiver is not conditioned on actual payments. Because signing an unconditional lien waiver waives your lien rights immediately, note that Procore Pay protects signees by hiding their signatures until they have been paid for the corresponding invoice in full. A lock is placed on the signed lien waiver until you unlock it. 
  6. Click Next
  7. Under Who should receive this document? prompt, choose your signature options:
    • If the lien waiver template allows e-signatures, the eSign tab appears. 
    • If the lien waiver template has the 'requires Notary' setting, the Print + Sign tab appears. 
  8. Use the controls in the eSign or Print + Sign tab:  
    • Signature. The signature block includes a default signature for use when signing a lien waiver. To change your signature, click Update Signature. Then type, draw, or upload a new signature. 
    • Requester. To add new recipients, click the Add Recipient list to select one of your existing contacts or add a new recipient. When adding a new recipient, be sure to assign the contact a Contact Role and enter as much information for the contact as possible and click Save
    • Email Options: To add a note to accompany the email, enter a message in the Add a Note box. To send a copy to yourself, type your email address in the Send a Copy To box. 
      • If the lien waiver template allows e-signatures, click the Fill Out and Sign button to sign the lien waiver. Once signed, Procore Pay appends a Certificate of Signature to the lien waiver when users compile or download the waiver. Click here for an example.
      • If the lien waiver template has the 'requires Notary' setting, you must print the waiver, sign it, and then click Upload Signed PDF to upload your signed copy. 
  9. When you are ready to send the lien waiver to your recipients, read the Terms of Service provided and click Accept Terms and Send Document

  10. Once you are done signing the lien waivers you will come back into the Procore Invoice and you will need to click one of these buttons:

  • To save a Draft invoice, click Save as Draft. You can complete it later before the Due Date

  • To send your completed invoice for review, click Send. This changes the invoice's status to Under Review and sends the invoice administrator an email.



Regenerate Lien Waivers

To refresh your lien waivers in the Project level Invoicing tool, scroll to the Lien Waivers card and click the Regenerate Lien Waivers button. Procore refreshes the invoice's lien waivers with the Levelset integration. The date and time of the last successful refresh under the card's heading. For instructions, see Regenerate Lien Waivers on Project Invoices.


Manage Sub-Tiers

With Procore Pay, Invoice Contacts can manage sub-tier subcontractors (see What is a sub-tier subcontractor?) on a project invoice. Users with the appropriate permissions have these options:

Add Sub-Tiers

To provide a complete list of everyone working on a project:

  1. In a sub-tiers card, click Edit.
    This places the card into editing mode.
  2. Click Add Sub-Tier
    A data entry line item appears. 

    Do you need to add any sub-tier information to this invoice? If the answer is no, see Certify No Sub-Tiers.
  3. Enter the following information in the line item:
    An asterisk (*) below denotes a required field.
    • Sub-Tier Company Name.* Type a name for the sub-tier company. 
    • Kind of Work. Enter the type of work for the sub-tier company. This is a free-form text entry. 
    • Sub-Tier TypeChoose the Supplier or Subcontractor option to indicate the company's business type. 
    • Phone Number. Enter the sub-tier company's phone number. 
    • Street Address. Enter the sub-tier company's address. 
      To add an apartment, suite, or unit number, click the Add Apt, Suite, Unit link to show those entry fields. 
    • City. Enter the sub-tier company's city. 
    • State. Select the sub-tier company's state from the drop-down list. 
    • ZIP Code. Enter the ZIP code. 
    • Country. Select the sub-tier company's country from the drop-down list. 
    • Amount Billed This Invoice*. Enter the amount the sub-tier billed you for this invoice.
      No amount billed for this invoice? If one of the listed sub-tiers didn't bill an amount for this invoice, enter $0.00 in the Amount Billed This Invoice field. This field cannot be blank. 
    • Est. Contract Amount. Enter the estimated contract amount for the sub-tier. 
    • Sub-Tier Waiver Contact Email Address. Type the email address of the person signing the lien waiver for the sub-tier subcontractor. This person does not need a Procore user account.
    • Billing Type. Choose Progress or Final.
    • Click Add Sub-Tier.
  4. Repeat the step above for each sub-tier subcontractor. 
  5. Click Save

Certify No Sub-Tiers

If there are no sub-tier subcontractors for the project invoice, click the Certify No Sub-Tiers button. The message 'You have certified no sub-tiers are involved in this project' appears.


Remove Sub-Tiers

To remove a new sub-tier, click Remove icon-delete-trash6.png, and then Save


If you collect waivers for current or previous invoices, one or more card(s) appear. The title of each card matches the project's waiver collection requirements, which are set on the Invoicing tool by an invoice administrator. See Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices as an Invoice Administrator

If you do not collect waivers for the invoice, you’ll only see the 'Sub-Tiers' card.



See Also