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Add Sub-Tier Information for a Subcontractor Invoice

 General Availability in Select Markets (United States)
flag-us.png Procore Pay icon-external-link.png  is available in the United States. It is designed for General Contractors and Owner-Builders who act as their own General Contractors on a job. Procore Pay extends the Invoice Management icon-external-link.png functionality in the Procore web application to handle the payment process between general and specialty contractors.


To add sub-tier information to a subcontractor invoice as an invoice contact


General contractors often need to disclose information about everyone who is hired to work on a project. This not only includes the first-tier subcontractor, it also includes the sub-tier subcontractors. To promote transparency and ensure accountability on a job site, these disclosures can also be legally required by a project owner or a regulatory body.

To add a list of sub-tier subcontractors for a subcontractor invoice, an invoice contact for the 'Contract Company' on a commitment adds sub-tiers to the project's subcontractor invoice for the current billing period.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Project level Invoicing tool. 
  2. Click the Subcontractor tab.  
  3. Click the Invoice # link in the table to open it. 
  4. Click the Lien Rights tab in the subcontractor invoice. 
  5. Scroll to the Sub-Tier Information for This Invoice card.
    Depending on the waiver collection requirements, there may be one or more sub-tier waivers cards on the invoice. To learn how an invoice administrator sets the collection requirements on a project, see Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices as an Invoice Administrator.
  6. Choose from these options:

Add Sub-Tiers

To provide a complete list of everyone working on a project:

  1. In a sub-tiers card, click Edit.
    This places the card into editing mode.
  2. Click Add Sub-Tier
    A new line item appears in the table for data entry. 
    Don't have any sub-tier information to add to this invoice? See Certify No Sub-Tiers.
  3. Enter the following information in the line item:

    If you are NOT required to collect waivers on an invoice, the 'Sub-Tier Information for This Invoice' card appears. If you are required to collect waivers for the current invoice or a previous invoice, one or more card(s) appear. The title of each card matches the project's waiver collection requirements, which are set on the Invoicing tool by an invoice administrator. See Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices as an Invoice Administrator. To upload waivers for a sub-tier, see Upload Sub-Tier Waivers to a Subcontractor Invoice as an Invoice Contact.


    • Sub-Tier Name. Type a name for the sub-tier subcontractor. 
    • Billing Type. Choose from these options:
      • Progress. Select this option if this is a progress billing.
      • Final. Select this option if this is the final billing. 
    • Amount Billed This Invoice. Enter the amount the sub-tier billed you for this invoice. This is a required field.
      No amount billed for this invoice? If one of the listed sub-tiers didn't bill an amount for this invoice, enter $0.00 in the Amount Billed This Invoice field. This field cannot be blank. 
    • Amount Billed to Date. If this is a progress billing, Procore adds the current 'Amount Billed This Invoice' entry to any amounts entered for this sub-tier from any previous subcontractor invoices for the commitment. 
    • Est. Contract Amount. Enter the estimated contract amount for the sub-tier. 
  4. Repeat the step above for each sub-tier subcontractor. 
  5. Click Save

Certify No Sub-Tiers

If there are no sub-tier subcontractors for the project invoice, click the Certify No Sub-Tiers button. The 'You have certified no sub-tiers are involved in this project' message appears.


Remove Sub-Tiers

To remove a new sub-tier, click the Remove icon-delete-trash6.png icon before clicking Save


If you are NOT required to collect waivers on an invoice, the 'Sub-Tier Information for This Invoice' card appears. If you are required to collect waivers for the current invoice or a previous invoice, one or more card(s) appear. The title of each card matches the project's waiver collection requirements, which are set on the Invoicing tool by an invoice administrator. See Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices as an Invoice Administrator. To upload waivers for a sub-tier, see Upload Sub-Tier Waivers to a Subcontractor Invoice as an Invoice Contact.
