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Release Notes for October 2024

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iOS | Android | API | Imports | Extracts | Drive | VDC Plugin | Documents Plugin | Data Extract

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the month of October 2024.

Core Tools


Persistent Locations View

When viewing your project's locations, your view—including the drawing sheet or revision, location selected, date range, project items, and heat map—are now automatically saved. This ensures you can easily return to the Locations Manager and continue from where you left off. See Search and Filter Locations.

Project Management

Daily Log

Modernized Settings Experience

The Daily Log tool now has a modernized, more intuitive layout and design. To learn more, see Configure Advanced Settings: Daily Log.


View Which Templates Require Photos and Observations

When viewing the list of Inspection templates, two new columns show which templates require observations and photos, and for how many items. This gives you additional visibility into how your templates are configured. See Create a Company Level Inspection Template and Create a Project Level Inspection Template.

Financial Management

ERP Integrations

Unlink prime contract change orders synced with CMiC

ERP Admins can now ‘reset’ PCCOs directly within the ERP tool without the need to contact support. Reset PCCOs Synced with ERP.

Unlink prime contract change orders synced with Sage Intacct®

ERP Admins can now ‘reset’ PCCOs directly within the ERP tool without the need to contact support. Reset PCCOs Synced with ERP.

unit based prime contracts

You now have a new ERP setting that allows you to designate the accounting method for your prime contracts as either Unit-based or Amount-based before importing to Procore. You can enable this ERP setting today and start using the functionality without the need to contact support. See Import a Prime Contract from an Integrated ERP System into Procore.

Workforce Management


Timesheet Summary on Mobile

When creating or editing a timesheet on the Procore mobile app, users can now see a summary of the time entered for the timesheet, as well as daily and weekly hours for the employee across all projects. This gives teams on-site visibility into total hours logged for employees, mitigating downstream impacts during the review and approval process. See Create a Timesheet (Android) and Create a Timesheet (iOS).

Workforce Planning

New Connection with the Project Directory

Users who are given workforce assignments using the new Assignment and Request modal are automatically added to the project in the Procore Directory. See Create an Assignment.

New Assignment and Request Modal

A new modal is available when creating or editing requests in the New Assignments Gantt, or when you assignments and requests for new projects. See Create a Request, Create an Assignment, Edit a Request, and Edit an Assignment.

App Marketplace

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