Release Notes for January 2025
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Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the month of January 2025.
Core Tools
Generate Placeholder Locations from Drawings
When generating locations from Drawings, users can now continue to create locations, even if no locations were detected in the selected drawings. Locations can be edited at a later time. See Generate Locations from Drawings and Add Tiered Locations.
New Locations Experience Available in New Regions
The new Locations experience is now available in the following regions: Australia, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States, and New Zealand. The experience leverages the latest AI technology to automatically create a tiered list of locations based on your project's architectural drawings in the Drawings tool. See Generate Locations from Drawings.
Project Template Improvements for Admin Tool
Project templates now carry over more settings and data from the Admin tool to projects created from those templates. These changes will impact projects created from project templates moving forward, and do not impact existing projects already created using a template.
With this improvement, additional fields in the project Admin tool, such as language selection and location fields, now carry over. See What gets copied over to a new project from a project template? for details.
Project Template Improvements for Drawings, Photos, and Specifications Tools
Project templates now carry over more settings and data from Drawings, Photos, and Specifications to projects created from those templates. These changes will impact projects created from project templates moving forward, and do not impact existing projects already created using a template.
With this improvement, all settings for Drawings carry over, but individual drawings do not. All settings for Specifications carry over, but individual specifications do not. All settings for Photos now carry over, as well as albums and album order, but individual photos do not. See What gets copied over to a new project from a project template? for details.
Modernized Programs Experience
The Company level Programs tool now has a modernized, more intuitive layout and design. There are no changes to functionality.
Project Management
Start Correspondence Workflows on Mobile
You can now use your mobile device to create correspondence items with workflows applied! After a company admin sets up a workflow template at the Company level, you can send correspondence items through an approval workflow to streamline formal communication processes and enforce contractual obligations. Now that workflows are available in the Correspondence web application, Procore is extending this integration to the mobile app.
Correspondence items have the following differences when a workflow is assigned and the item is issued:
- ‘Status’: Read-only field that auto-populates with information from the workflow.
- ‘Due Date’: Read-only field that auto-populates with dates determined by the workflow and has a name change to 'Current Step Due Date'.
- ‘Assignees’: Read-only field that auto-populates with the user assigned to the current step as determined by the workflow. The field's name changes to 'Current Step Assignee', but the 'Assignees' field remains a reportable, single field listing all assignees across the workflow.
- ‘Distribution Member’: Any distribution members in the workflow template automatically populate here and cannot be removed once the workflow initiates. Additional members can be added using the Procore web application, but only distribution members in the workflow template receive notifications.
- ‘Create & Issue’: Tapping this button automatically starts the workflow process for the item. Or, you can save the item as a draft.
Correspondence Workflows Enhanced & available to starter pack customers
Procore Starter Pack accounts can now use workflows on correspondence items! The Correspondence workflows integration is rolling out to Starter Pack accounts over the next few days. After setting up a workflow template at the Company level, correspondence items can be sent through a workflow to streamline formal communication processes and enforce contractual obligations.
Along with this expansion in availability, correspondence items also have the following changes when a workflow is assigned and the item is issued:
- ‘Status’: Read-only field that auto-populates with information from the workflow.
- ‘Due Date’: Read-only field that auto-populates with dates determined by the workflow and has a name change to 'Current Step Due Date'.
- ‘Assignees’: Read-only field that auto-populates with the user assigned to the current step as determined by the workflow. The field's name changes to 'Current Step Assignee', but the 'Assignees' field remains a reportable, single field listing all assignees across the workflow.
- ‘Distribution Member’: Any distribution members in the workflow template automatically populate here and cannot be removed once the workflow initiates.
- Manually add additional distribution members on the correspondence item to give them item access. However, notifications are only sent to members on the workflow distribution list, not the correspondence item distribution list.
- 'Post Response and Change Status' button: Since the item’s status is determined by the workflow, this button becomes ‘Post Response’.
Modernized Layout for Forms Tool on Web
Look for a new modernized appearance on several pages of the Forms tool and company Admin tool where Form templates are created or edited. All the same tasks and features are available in each of these tools. For example, instead of the ‘Email’ and ‘Delete’ buttons in a side-panel on a form’s Info page, they are integrated into the main area of the Info page. See Email a Form for instructions. In the company Admin tool, creating and editing form templates works the same as before but with an updated layout. See Create a Company Level Form Template for instructions.
Equipment Available for Inspection Schedules and Inspection Filters
When creating an inspection schedule, you can select a piece of equipment to be inspected. See Create an Inspection Schedule.
Filter Inspections by Equipment
You can filter inspections and inspection schedules by equipment. See Search and Filter Inspections and Search and Filter Inspection Schedules.
Maps for Photos - Generally Available
Procore Maps enables users to view photos and other tool items on a map, query them by location, and link to the items across various tools. Procore Maps enhances project execution by providing a comprehensive visual tool that integrates seamlessly with other Procore functionalities, facilitating better planning, execution, and monitoring of construction projects. See Procore Maps.
RFIs maintain their 'Open' status when moved to the Recycle Bin
When deleting an RFI to move it to the recycle bin, items in an 'Open' status previously were changed to a 'Recycled' status. Now items that were in an 'Open' status will keep that status after they are moved to the recycle bin. You can still filter and report on RFIs based on whether or not they are in the recycle bin.
Modernized Submittal Packages Experience
The Submittals tool Packages screens have been modernized to provide a more seamless, user-friendly experience. There is no change to functionality. The new experience is being gradually released to customers over the next week. See Create a Submittal Package.
Financial Management
Conditional Routing for Commitment Invoices Based on Stored Materials Now Generally Available
Procore has introduced a new feature in the Workflows tool that allows Project Managers and Project Accountants to route commitment invoices through workflow steps based on Materials Stored Amount. The Materials Stored Amount option enables users to set a dollar threshold for workflow routing, allowing conditional routing of workflows based on a specified amount of Stored Materials. To learn more, see Create a Workflow Template and What are the different types of steps in a workflow?
Enhanced Commitment Invoicing Workflow Conditionals
Procore updated the Workflows tool with new conditional routing options for subcontractor invoices to improve flexibility. Invoices can now be routed through workflow steps based on factors such as Gross Amount, Retainage Released Amount, Total Retainage Released, and Total Completed and Stored to Date. See Create a Workflow Template and What are the different types of steps in a workflow?
Project Financials + Sage Intacct® Connector
Enhanced Direct cost transaction deletion
When users delete direct costs or direct cost line items with Sage Intacct®, the deletion is automatically reflected in Procore, eliminating the need for manual reconciliation. This feature has been turned on for all users. To learn more, see About Sage Intacct®.
Editable Contract Line ID for Sage Intacct® Prime contract change order Exports
Procore has introduced an editable field for specifying contract line IDs when exporting prime contract change orders to Sage Intacct®. This enhancement allow you to select your contract item code during export, reducing errors related to character limits and duplication. You do not need to contact support to begin using this new functionality. To learn more, see Sage Intacct® Detailed Data Mapping.
Refresh Prime Contracts synced with Sage Intacct®
In Procore, users can now refresh prime contracts on both the 'ready to import' and 'synced filters of the Prime Contract sub-tab in the ERP integration's tool. This ensures all changes made in Sage Intacct® are accurately reflected in Procore. To learn more, see Refresh a Prime Contract Synced With an ERP Integration.
Space delimiter option now available for cost codes in Sage Intacct®
The cost code segment delimiter functionality now supports blank spaces, enabling seamless import and usage of cost codes that match the appearance in your ERP system. Please contact your Procore point of contact to enable this feature. To learn more, see About Sage Intacct®.
Project Financials + Yardi Voyager® Connector
Send Invoices to the Project Financials + Yardi Voyager® connector invoice Register
You can now send invoices to the Yardi Voyager® connector's Invoice Register instead of directly creating payables. This will now enable you to utilize Yardi Voyager® connector's Invoicing workflows, such as Payscans. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact to enable this functionality.
Workforce Management
Resource Planning
Workforce Planning is now REsource Planning
In November of 2024, Procore announced Resource Management, the industry’s first complete labor, equipment, and materials solution, designed to streamline how users manage resources across the entire portfolio. With Resource Management, construction businesses can plan, track, and forecast labor, equipment, and materials seamlessly from one unified platform. To align with this new initiative, 'Workforce Planning' is now 'Resource Planning'.
Export and Automatically Mark Time ENtries as completed
When exporting time entries, you can select to automatically mark all exported time entries as 'Completed'. You will receive an email when the statuses have been updated. Depending on the number of time entries, this may take several minutes. You can navigate away from the page and continue working in Procore, as the statuses will continue to update in the background. See Export Timesheet Data from Procore into Sage 300 CRE®, Export Time Entries from Procore to Import into QuickBooks® Desktop, and Export Your Company's Timecard Entries to CSV.
App Marketplace
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