Release Notes for December 2024
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Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the month of December 2024.
Core Tools
Modernized Project Dates Experience
The Project Dates screen in the Company Admin tool now has a modernized, more intuitive layout and design. There are no changes to functionality. To learn more, see Add New Project Dates.
Three New Fields Added to Project Admin
These new fields will help you capture a more comprehensive and qualitative view of your projects’ data. Increase your ability to forecast with accuracy and discover actionable, targeted insights into your projects based on:
- Project Sector: Categorize the project based on the facility's function or purpose, such as Retail, Roadwork, or Multifamily.
- Work Scope: Categorize the work according to scope, such as New Construction or Renovation/Alteration.
- Delivery Method: Define how stakeholders will collaborate across each phase of the project including planning, design, and build. For example, Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, or Construction Manager at Risk.
For new customers, Project Sector and Work Scope will be required by default. Existing customers will have the option to leverage these new fields, but they will not be required without advanced notice. See Create a New Project.
Enhanced Reporting for Payment Data
Procore has expanded the 360 Reporting capabilities to include new data objects related to payment processes, enhancing the reporting capabilities for general and specialty contractors. The 360 Reporting tool now supports data on payment beneficiaries, disbursements, payment permissions, and more, allowing for comprehensive analysis and management of payment-related activities. To learn more, see 360 Reporting: Data Guide.
Distribution List for Tasks
The Tasks tool now supports the Distribution List function found across many Procore tools. A default distribution list can also be configured. See Configure Advanced Settings: Tasks and Add a Task for details.
Edit Tasks In Bulk
The Tasks tool now supports bulk editing, enabling multiple tasks to be updated simultaneously. This enhancement streamlines task management, allowing quick adjustments across tasks to keep projects on track. See Edit a Task for details.
Project Management
Daily Log
new 'Copy Log' Granular permission
Procore has introduced a new Granular Permission for the 'Copy' feature within the Daily Log, allowing Standard and Read Only users to efficiently replicate daily entries without requiring Admin level access. To learn more, see Copy a Daily Log.
Collaborator Entry added to more Daily Log Types
Support for the Collaborator Entry feature has been added to the following Daily Log Types: Scheduled Work, Productivity, Phone Calls, Inspections, Safety Violations, Plan Revisions, Accidents, Quantities, Equipment, Dumpster, Waste, Delays. To learn more about Collaborator Entry, see Create Daily Log Entries as a Collaborator.
The Drawings tool has two new actions for markups–copy and duplicate! Copy saves the markup(s) to your clipboard so you can paste it into a different drawing. If both drawings are the same dimensions, the markup automatically pastes to the same coordinates as the original drawing. Duplicate creates a duplicate of the markup and pastes it near the original in the same drawing, so you can move it to the desired location within the drawing. Selecting more than one markup at a time allows you to take these actions in bulk. Find these new buttons in the menu that appears when you click on a markup, and start speeding up your markup process today! See Edit Drawing Markups.
Conditional Logic Now Available on Inspection Items
Procore has introduced conditional logic to Company and Project level inspection templates, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of inspections. Inspections Conditional Logic allows users to configure inspection line items so that responses control the display of subsequent items, reducing the need for multiple templates and improving accuracy. To learn more, see What is conditional logic within the Inspections tool?
Modernized layout for specifications tool on web
The main page of Procore’s Specifications tool now matches other Procore tools with a modernized and intuitive interface. All the same tasks and features are available, and some appear only when you need them such as the edit, download, and delete menu appearing once you select list item(s).
Look for all your same buttons and features integrated into the main page instead of listed in a right-side panel. For example, instead of clicking the orange Manually Create Specs Sections button, click the white Create Specification button. See Manually Create Specification Sections to see the new interface and get navigational support.
Duplicate Submittals on a Project
Procore has introduced a new option to duplicate individual submittals within the same project. This feature will reduce manual data entry errors and expedite the creation and maintenance of submittals. To learn more, see Duplicate a Submittal.
Submittal Workflow Templates Carry over to new Projects from Project Template
When included in a project template, submittal workflow templates will now carry over to new projects created with that template. This change does not impact existing projects that were previously created from project templates containing submittal workflow templates. See Configure a Project Template for details.
Email Recipients Visible in Change History
The Change History for the Submittals tool now displays 'Submittal distributed to' along with the email addresses of each recipient in the 'To' column. This feature allows users to track the email history of submittals, ensuring accountability and traceability by showing who received distribution emails. To learn more, see View the Change History of a Submittal.
Modernized Configuration Settings Experience
The Submittals tool Configuration Settings screen has been modernized to provide a more seamless, user-friendly experience. There is no change to functionality. The new experience is being released to customers during the next two weeks. See Configure Settings: Submittals Tool.
Financial Management
ERP Integrations
Import payments from CMiC to procore
Procore has integrated the import of invoice payments from CMiC, ensuring that users have up-to-date payment data without needing to refer back to their integration. Reach out to your Procore point of contact to enable this feature. To learn more, view CMiC Detailed Data Mapping.
App Marketplace
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