Learn which user permissions are required to take the described actions in this tool.
Show/Hide Permissions
| | The action is available on Procore's Web, iOS, and/or Android application. Click to view the tutorial.
Users can take the action with this permission level.
How do permissions work for free Procore accounts?
Action | None | Member | Team Administrator | System Administrator | Notes |
Add an Estimate |
Add Takeoffs |
Apply a Template in the Bid Board Tool |
Configure Settings for an Estimate in the Estimating Tab |
Copy a Takeoff Group |
Copy Takeoff Layers |
Create a Project in the Bid Board |
Delete a Takeoff Group |
Delete Takeoff Layers |
Delete a Project on the Bid Board |
Edit Project Stages on the Bid Board |
Edit an Estimate |
Expand or Collapse Takeoff Groups |
Export a Bid Proposal |
Export an Estimate |
Export the Bid Board List View |
Generate Bid Estimates |
Lock and Unlock Takeoff Layers |
Manage Bids from the Bid Board |
Move a Takeoff Layer to a New Group |
Rename a Takeoff Group |
Respond to a Bid from the Bid Board |
Set a Bid Board Project as a Template |
Set the Drawing Scale for Takeoffs |
Show or Hide Takeoff Layers |
Submit a Bid Proposal |
Users also must be designated as a Bid Contact. | ||||
Upload Documents to a Bid Board Project |
View an Estimate |
View Bid Board Projects |
Show/Hide Permissions
| | The action is available on Procore's Web, iOS, and/or Android application. Click to view the tutorial.
Users can take the action with this permission level.
How do permissions work for free Procore accounts?
Action | None | Member | Team Administrator | System Administrator | Notes |
Accept or Deny a User's Request to Join Your Free Procore Company Account |
Add a User |
Assign a User as a Bid Contact |
Deactivate or Reactivate a User |
Edit a User |
Edit Your Company Information for the Procore Construction Network |
Edit Your Personal Information |
Edit Your Company's Profile Visibility for the Procore Construction Network |
Log in to your Free Procore Account |
Navigate to a Company |
Navigate to a Project |
Resend a User Invitation |
Search for and Filter Users |
View Projects |
View Users |