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Search and Filter the Project Directory

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Switch Between Views in the Project Directory

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool.
  2. Click the appropriate tab to sort the data in the order defined by the available views:

Search the Project Directory

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool.
  2. Click the desired tab. You have these choices: Users, ContactsCompanies, Distribution Groups, Inactive Users, Inactive Contacts, and Inactive Companies
  3. In the Search field, type your desired criteria.
  4. Press ENTER or click the magnifying glass in the Search field. The search function respects any selected filter parameters and only searches for items within the filtered results.

Image content may not accurately reflect the current state of the system, and/or it may be out of date.

Add Filters to the Project Directory

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool.
  2. Click a supported tab. You have these choices: Users or Companies.
    Note: Adding filters is NOT supported on the ContactsDistribution Groups, Inactive UsersInactive Contacts, or Inactive Companies tabs. 
  3. Choose from these options in the Users tab. Then, select one of these options from the Add Filter drop-down list:
    • Permission Template (Default) This filters the list of users by the default permission template that is assigned to the end user. See Manage Permission Templates.
      Note: Only users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Directory can apply this filter.
    • Trades. This filters the list of users by the Trade associated with the user's company record. See Add a Custom Trade.
  4. Choose from these options in the Companies tab. Then, select one of these options from the Add Filter drop-down list:

Group Users by Company in the Project Directory

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool.
  2. Click the Users tab.
  3. From the Group By list, choose Company.
    Note: The Group By list is only available on the Users tab. 
    This sorts the users in the list by the company they are associated with.