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Search for and Filter Submittals

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To use the search and filter options to locate items in the project's Submittals tool.


Because of the large number of submittals that can be created on a project, the project's Submittals tool offers search and filter functions that help you find a submittal or submittal package

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the project's Submittals tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • Any filters that you apply in a project's Submittals tool will stay applied for your current and future sessions in the same project until you clear the filters.
    • Search terms and applied filters respect each other's parameters. For example, if you apply one or more filters before starting a search, the search results only include items applicable to the filters.


Search for a Submittal

  1. Navigate to the project's Submittals tool.
  2. Click the ItemsPackages, Spec Sections, or Ball In Court tab. See Switch Between Submittals Views.
  3. Enter a word or phrase in the Search box and press ENTER on your keyboard (or click the icon-search.png icon).

    The search feature supports the use of advanced search symbols. To learn more, see What is an advanced search symbol in Procore?

    • Title
      • Enter a full search term.
      • A search for the term 'alarm' would return submittals titled 'Fire Alarm System' and 'Security Alarm Sounder.'
      • A search for the term 'alarm' and 'system' would return submittals titled 'Fire Alarm System', 'Fire Alarm Cable', 'Security Alarm Sounder', and 'Security System Console'.
      • A search for the term 'cab', would return 'CAB Submittal', but the results would NOT include 'Fire Alarm Cable' or 'Telecommunications Cabinets.'
    • Description
      Enter a word or phrase.
    • Submittal Number
      Enter a full or partial submittal number.
    • Package Number
      Enter a full or partial submittal package number.
    • Package Title
      Enter a full or partial submittal package title. 
    • Spec Section 
      Enter a spec section number or a partial description.
  4. To clear the search results, click the X at the end of the Search box.

Filter the Submittals Log

  1. Navigate to the project's Submittals tool.
  2. Click the ItemsPackages, Spec Sections, or Ball In Court tab. See Switch Between Submittals Views.
  3. Click Add Filter and select one of the following options:
    • Approver. This reveals a list of any individuals who are named as Approver or Submitter in the 'Submittal Workflow' for your submittals. You can mark one or more checkboxes. See Add a Submitter and Approvers to the Submittal Workflow.
    • Ball In Court. This reveals a list of any individuals who are currently designated as the 'Ball In Court' person on your submittals. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Created By. This reveals a list of any individuals who have created a submittal. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Current Revision. This reveals a checkbox where you can select 'Yes' to view only current revisions of the submittals. 
    • Division. This reveals a list of divisions connected to the submittals. A division is a grouping of spec sections. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Location. Select Location from the drop-down list. Then, you have these options to narrow your selection to specific sub-locations:
      • If you want to include the project's sub-locations in your search, mark the ​Include Sub-locations checkbox. To ignore sub-locations, remove the checkmark. See How do I filter by multi-tiered locations?
      • If you want to include only a specific location (or locations) in your search, mark the corresponding checkboxes. 
        Note: For the checkboxes above to appear as selections, at least one (1) submittal on your project must be associated with a sub-location.
    • Private. This reveals a checkbox where you can select 'Yes' to view all submittals marked as Private. See Mark a Submittal as Private
    • Received From. This reveals a list of individuals who have been selected as Received From on your submittals. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Response. This reveals a list of submittal responses. You can mark one or more checkboxes. See Manage Custom Submittal Responses
    • Responsible Contractor. This reveals a list of companies that have been named as the Responsible Contractor on your submittals. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Spec Section. This reveals a list of sections from your project's spec book. You can mark one or more checkboxes. 
    • Status. This reveals a list of statuses (e.g., Open, Draft, and Closed). You can mark one or more checkboxes.
    • Sub Job. This reveals a list of sub jobs on the project (if enabled). You can mark one or more checkboxes. See Enable Sub Jobs on Projects for WBS.
    • Submittal Manager. This reveals a list of individuals who have been named as a submittal manager.
    • Submittal Package. This reveals a list of all submittal packages. You can mark one or more checkboxes. See Create a Submittal Package.
    • Type. This reveals a list of submittal types. You can mark one or more checkboxes. See Create Custom Submittal Types.
  4. Press ESC on your keyboard to view the filtered list of submittals.
  5. Optional: Repeat the steps above to add more filters.
  6. To clear one filter, click the X next to its name.
    To clear all filters, click Clear All.

Sort the Submittals Log

  1. Navigate to the project's Submittals tool.
  2. Click the ItemsPackages, Spec Sections, or Ball In Court tab. See Switch Between Submittals Views.
  3. Click one of the following column names to sort the list of submittals by data from the corresponding fields:
    • Spec Section
    • #
    • Title
    • Type
    • Status
    • Responsible Contractor
    • Submit By
    • Received From
    • Received Date
    • Due Date
    • Distributed Date
    • Custom Fields ('Number', 'Date', 'Checkbox', and 'Plain Text')
      Note: Columns for custom fields are hidden by default. See Customize the Column Display in the Submittals Tool for information about showing, hiding, and rearranging columns in the submittals log.
  4. Optional: Click the column name again to switch the results between ascending and descending order.