Below are notable updates about the Procore Pay software product.
Payment Administrators have access to the Payments tool and permissions to take any action within the tool. When the Payments tool is initially set up for a payee company, either by setting up Procore Pay or accepting an invitation to Procore Pay, the existing Company Administrators and System Administrators are given Payment Administrator permissions.
After the initial set up, Payment Administrator permissions are now managed solely in the Payments tool. See Manage Payment Permissions as a Payee.
Payors issuing joint checks outside of Procore Pay can now use Procore's Invoice Management tools to track and manage joint check payments for sub-tier subcontractors. Users with the appropriate permissions can add sub-tier subcontractor information to commitments or subcontractor invoices, ensuring financial accuracy and helping teams prevent overpayments. Informational banners and alert messages support payors through the disbursement process. In addition, actions related to joint checks are logged in the change history for transparency and accountability. To learn more, see About Joint Checks with Procore Pay.
Procore is pleased to announce two (2) new services for Procore Pay:
with payments powered by Procore Payment Services, Inc.'s money transmission services is now generally available in the United States. This option allows new or existing Procore Pay customers operating in licensed states to onboard, link, and validate their existing bank accounts to complete Procore Pay financial transactions. To learn how funds flow when using Procore Pay with payments powered by Procore Payment Services, Inc., see How do funds flow between bank accounts with Procore Pay? To learn more about this service and solution terms, please refer to this page on the Procore website.
Procore has streamlined the management of sworn statements in Procore Pay. This update reduces administrative overhead and minimizes errors. See Enable Lien Waivers & Set Default Templates on Projects. Once configured, most waiver settings carry over to new projects using Procore's project template feature. For a complete list of settings that carry over to new Procore Projects, see Configure a Project Template. To include sworn statements as part of a lien waiver template, contact your Procore point of contact.
Procore has added a new 'Beneficiary Account Status' column to the ‘Subcontractor Invoices’ tab on the Payments tool to provide Procore Pay users with greater insight into payee onboarding status. User can also filter and group invoices based on their onboarding status. See About the Subcontractor Invoices Tab in the Payments Tool, Search for and Apply Filters on the Subcontractor Invoices Tab, What are the default statuses for Procore Pay onboarding?
For payors with Procore Pay, Procore has updated the Sub-Tier Waivers configuration options in Invoicing Settings to offer greater flexibility to collect either conditional or unconditional lien waivers from sub-tier subcontractors for the current billing period. The enhanced options let payors ensure they have the necessary waivers for legal assurance before paying an invoice. For details, see Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices as an Invoice Administrator.
As an additional security step, Payees are now required to re-enter the existing default bank account number when adding a new bank account in the Payments tool. See Add a Bank Account as a Payee.
Procore is excited to announce the Closed Beta launch of Self-Funded Early Pay Programs for General Contractors using Procore Pay. This feature enables GCs to pay subcontractors early at a discounted rate, enhancing cash flow management. To learn more, see About Early Pay Programs. To learn how to participate in the Closed Beta program, contact your Procore point of contact.
To streamline the signature collection process for payees who hire sub-tier subcontractors, Procore introduced the Sub-Tier Waiver eSignature feature. This generates the required lien waiver using a template and sends it to the appropriate Sub Tier Waiver Contact’s email in the Portable Document Format (PDF). Once signed by the sub-tier contractor, it is available in Procore Pay. To learn more, see Request a Signature from a Sub-Tier Waiver Contact as a Payee.
Procore introduced a new feature that allows General Contractors to configure how Procore Pay collects fees from payees who join Procore Pay. The default setting requires Specialty Contractors to pay their own fees, however General Contractors can now manage fee collection settings at the Project level and decide to pay the fees on behalf of their Specialty Contractors. The new configuration options are now available in the Payment tools on the Project Controls page. To learn more, see Configure Procore Pay Fee Collection for Procore Projects.
Procore enhanced the logic for the 'Owner Funding Received' payment requirement. This enhancement gives teams greater clarity about how Procore Pay determines if a subcontractor invoice meets the 'Owner Funding Received' payment requirement. For details, see 'Owner Funding Received' in Configure Payment Requirements as a Payor.
Payments Admins and Disbursers can now create and edit draft disbursements for enhanced control and collaboration. Procore introduced a "Save as Draft" button on the Select Funding Account page, allowing multiple accountants to add and review invoices. This feature enables teams to prepare disbursements in advance and authorize them only when fully ready. To learn more, see Create Disbursements and Add Subcontractor Invoices to a 'Draft' Disbursement.
Procore has updated the disbursement authorization feature to ensure two (2) separate users handle every payment order. This reduces the risk of employee misconduct by preventing a single user from approving an invoice and its payment. To learn more, see Authorize Disbursements.
Payees can now enter their bank and business details through a new bank onboarding experience. Payees will receive instant feedback on account verification status. If additional information is required to verify the bank account, payees can upload required documents directly in Procore. See Add a Bank Account as a Payee and Upload Bank Verification Documentation.
Procore Pay automatically regenerates lien waivers when the 'Amount Due' on an invoice changes, ensuring compliance and reducing legal risks by keeping waiver amounts accurate. Users with the appropriate permissions can also continue manually regenerating lien waivers every five (5) minutes until the invoice is fully paid, providing flexibility for template updates. See Regenerate Lien Waivers on Project Invoices.
For projects using Procore Pay, invoice administrators in the payor environment now have access to a new upload window on commitments. It provides authorized users with the ability upload signed lien waivers directly to a commitment. After a successful upload, the window closes, and a success message appears. The system also changes the waiver status to Signed. For instructions, see Upload Signed Lien Waivers for Subcontractor Invoices.
Procore has updated the Project level Invoicing tool for payors using Procore Pay. Now, when compiling a subcontractor invoice backup, the system includes any first- and sub-tier lien waivers in the downloadable PDF backup file. This enhancement streamlines documentation, providing comprehensive proof of payment and supporting documents need to efficiently resolve non-payment disputes. See Compile Subcontractor Invoice Backups with the Invoicing Tool.
Procore added a ‘Ready to Export’ filter in the ERP Integrations tool's ‘Payments’ sub-tab to track the progress of exported payments from Procore Pay. This update allows Procore Pay users with 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions on the ERP Integrations tool plus the accounting approver status (see Grant Accounting Approver Privileges) to monitor the progress of their payment exports. Note that this page is for viewing purposes only.
Compliance Templates for Procore Pay are now available in the United States. Company Admins can now ensure their custom compliance templates are copied to new Procore projects at project creation. Using the standard project templates in Procore, Admins can assign compliance templates settings to multiple project templates, offering flexibility beyond a single default for all projects. Admins can also change the compliance template assignments on project templates as needed. For details, see What gets copied over to a new project when applying a project template? and About Compliance Templates with Procore Pay.
To improve payments flexibility, invoice administrators using Procore Pay can now change payment due dates on subcontractor invoices using the new Payment Due Date calendar on invoices. This allow users to enter and track due dates for subcontractor payments and helps to ensure timely payments that honor any payment terms in place. To support better decision making, payors can apply a new Payment Due Date filter when viewing invoices in the Subcontractor Invoices tab of the Payments tool. Learn more in Create a Subcontractor Invoice on Behalf of an Invoice Contact and Search for and Apply Filters on the Subcontractor Invoices Tab.
To manage insurance certificates and contract compliance documents on commitments, Company Admins now have the ability to create compliance templates in the Company level Admin tool. This feature is only available to Procore Pay users participating in the beta program. To learn more, see About Compliance Templates with Procore Pay (Beta).
Procore has updated the 'Funding Accounts' page under 'Payment Settings' in the Payments tool to the 'Business Entities' page, enhancing support for Procore Pay clients who pay invoices as multiple business entities. Payments Admins can now manage funding accounts for business entities, including adding, editing, setting a default, and deactivating. They can also view business entities and accounts from this page. To learn more, see Manage Business Entities as a Payor.
Improved navigation for payment requirements (06/17/2024)
Procore's updated Payment Requirements page now offers Procore Pay users instant insight and clear navigation towards invoice readiness. The new buttons provide access to commitment, compliance, invoice, and lien waiver items. If you're a payor with access to the Payments tool, see View Payment Requirements as a Payor. For invoice administrators with access to Project level Invoicing, refer to View Payment Requirements on a Project Invoice as an Invoice Administrator. Invoice contacts in the payee environment can refer to View Payment Requirements as the Invoice Contact for a Payee.
As a Payments Admin or Payments Beneficiary Approver for a payor, you can track the progress of your subcontractor's onboarding status for Procore Pay in the Change History tab for each beneficiary. To learn more see View Beneficiary Change History as a Payor.
To streamline the payor's understanding of the payee onboarding process, the Beneficiaries tab in the Payments tool now only lists subcontractors invited to join Procore Pay and contractors who have already initiated a connection. The 'Invite to Pay' prompt was also updated to show a gray banner when subcontracting companies are already connected and preselects the company's authorized contact for your invite. See About the Beneficiaries Tab in the Payments Tool and Invite Beneficiaries to Procore Pay.
Procore added the 'Safety' option to the 'Type' drop-down list when viewing the Details pane in the Contract Compliance Documents card of a subcontractor invoice. With this addition, you can easily upload and classify important safety documents, enhancing your compliance process. To learn more, see Create Contract Compliance Documents for Commitments as an Invoice Administrator and Edit Contract Compliance Documents for Commitments as an Invoice Administrator.
Procore has updated the Payments area of the Financials Dataset in Enhanced Reporting. New fields have been added to the Contract Compliance object. The new fields are: Attachment Count, Date Updated, Effective At, Expires At, ID, Name, Notes, Send Expiration Notification, Status, and Type. To learn more about the join relationships for each object, refer to the Financials page in the Procore Enhanced Reporting: Data Guide.
Procore has updated the Payments area of the Financials Dataset in Enhanced Reporting. New objects are now available for Contract Compliance and Payments Beneficiary. You'll also see fields for the Contract Compliant and Insurance Compliant statuses in the Payment Requirement object. To learn more about the join relationships for each object, refer to the Financials page in the Procore Enhanced Reporting: Data Guide.
Additional 'waiver status' options have been added for sub-tiers in the Commitments tool so you can can determine which sub-tiers you need to collect waivers for. See Edit Sub-Tier Subcontractor Information on Commitments and What are the sub-tier statuses on a commitment in Procore Pay?
After an invoice contact uploads a signed sub-tier lien waiver to a subcontractor invoice, a Download icon now appears in the Waivers column. See View Sub-Tier Information on a Subcontractor Invoice.
Payment Admins and Payment Disbursers can cancel disbursements before they are authorized for payment. This includes a new 'Canceled' status for Payments workflows. To learn more, see Cancel Disbursements Before Authorization as a Payor and What are the default workflow statuses for disbursements in Procore Pay's custom payments workflow?
Payment Admins and Payment Disbursers can remove subcontractor invoices from a disbursement during the review process. For details, see Remove Subcontractor Invoices from Disbursements as a Payor.
A Download icon now appears in the Details panel immediately after an invoice contact uploads a signed sub-tier lien waiver to a subcontractor invoice. See Upload Sub-Tier Waivers to a Subcontractor Invoice as an Invoice Contact. Invoice administrators can also quickly retrieve signed sub-tier waivers using the new icon. To learn more, see Review Sub-Tier Lien Waivers as an Invoice Administrator.
To boost efficiency, Payments Admins and Payments Disbursers can now include up to 100 subcontractor invoice payments in a single disbursement, up from 30. To learn more, see Create Disbursements.
Lien waivers signed using the eSign method now include a ‘Certificate of Signature’. When users compile or download a e-signed lien waiver, the certificate is appended to the lien waiver PDF file. To learn more, see Sign Lien Waivers on Project Invoices and View Signed Lien Waivers on Project Invoices.
To promote transparency and ensure accountability on the job site for companies using Procore Pay, users with invoice administrator permissions in Procore can add sub-tier subcontractor information directly to commitments. To learn more, see About the Lien Rights Tab on a Commitment with Procore Pay and Add Sub-Tier Information to Commitments.
To centralize subcontractor onboarding for general contractors using Procore Pay to pay subcontractor invoices, Payments Admins and Payments Beneficiary Approvers can now invite subcontractors to join Procore Pay and add beneficiary accounts from the Company level Payments tool. The ability to invoice subcontractors was previously only available in the Commitments and Invoicing tool. To learn more, see Invite Beneficiaries to Procore Pay.
Payments Admins and Payments Disbursers can now apply a vendor hold to a subcontractor invoice to alert users to pause payments for specific subcontractors, suppliers, or vendors. To learn more, see About Holds in Procore Pay.
Procore has updated the Project Controls page in the Company level Payments tool to allow Payment Admins to enable Procore Pay on all new Procore projects by default. Any changes to this setting are logged in the Change History under the Payment Processing tab. To learn more, see Enable or Disable Procore Pay on Your Projects.
When a payee completes Procore Pay onboarding, Procore Pay now sends an email notification to the payor’s Payments Admins and Payments Beneficiary Approvers to notify them that one (1) or more beneficiary accounts are awaiting review and approval. The email is distributed twice a week on Mondays and Thurdays. To learn more, see When does Procore Pay send email notifications? and Approve a Beneficiary Bank Account as a Payor.
Payors now have the option to make manual holds visible to subcontractors who have been granted 'Read-Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the Commitments tool. Note: Not all general contractors choose to provide their subcontractors with access permissions to the Commitments tool. To learn how to create and share a manual hold, see Create and Apply a Manual Hold on an Invoice. If you are have been granted 'Read-Only' or 'Standard' level permissions to a payor's Commitments tool and a hold has been shared with you, see View Payment Requirements as the Invoice Contact for a Payee.
Updated the Company level Payments tool to add a new Holds tab to the Payment Requirements panel. This provides users with the appropriate permissions the ability to create, edit, and view holds on subcontractor invoices. To learn more, see View Payment Requirements.
Updated Procore Pay to map additional Procore data fields to the placeholder variables in lien waiver templates. The new data mappings include: Contract Amount Plus Change Orders, Total Paid to Date, Total Completed and Stored, Retainage Percentage, Balance to Finish, Total Payable to Date Less Retainage, and Original Contract Amount. To learn more, see What variables can we include as placeholders in a lien waiver template? and Create Lien Waiver Templates.
Procore has added a new 'Manual Holds filter to the Filters panel of the Subcontractor Invoices tab in the Company level Payments tool. To learn more, see Search for and Apply Filters on the Subcontractor Invoices Tab.
A new Change History page records all of the updates to the Payment Requirements settings for the Company level Payments tool. To learn more, see View the Payment Requirements Change History.
Procore has added a new Property Owner field to the Invoicing tool’s Setting page. When a user marks the ‘Enable Conditional Lien Waivers’ or ‘Enable Unconditional Lien Waivers’ check box, the field becomes active and required. Users must type the name of the project’s property owner exactly as they want it to appear on the project’s lien waivers. See Enable Lien Waivers & Set Default Templates on Projects.
Procore has added new conditions for custom Payments Workflows: Disbursement Amount, Highest Invoice Amount, or Highest Retainage Released. Workflow Managers can now add these conditions when creating workflows. To learn more, see Best Practices for Creating a Payments Workflow.
Payors can now provide payees with the ability to collect signed lien waivers from their sub-tier subcontractors outside of Procore and upload them to a subcontractor invoice. Payors can now Enable Sub-Tier Waivers on Subcontractor Invoices and configure the types of sub-tier lien waivers to collect. Once configured, a payee's invoice contact can Add Sub-Tier Information and Upload Sub-Tier Waivers in their subcontractor invoice. Before approving an invoice for payment, invoice administrators can also Review Sub-Tier Lien Waivers. For an overview of the tasks Procore Pay users can perform, see Manage Sub-Tier Waivers.
Administrators now have additional options for enforcing payment requirements and can choose to set one (1) of three (3) options per payment requirement:
For payors who want to prevent their Payments Disbursers from paying invoices before the payment requirements are satisfied, choose the 'Required and Prevents Payment' setting. This notifies disbursers when a payment requirement isn't satisfied to prevent them from paying invoices. To learn more, see Configure Payment Requirements as a Payor.
If your company requires multiple deposit accounts to avoid commingling funds to streamline the reconciliation process and ensure accurate audit results, you can open additional deposit account(s) either during or after Procore Pay implementation process. To learn more, see Open a Deposit Account for Procore Pay as a Payor.
Procore introduced a new Payments Beneficiary Approver role for payors. This role provides designated users with the ability to Approve Beneficiary Bank Accounts, without the ability to Create Disbursements. In Procore Pay, only a Payments Admin can Add a Payments Beneficiary Approver as a Payor. To learn more, see What is a Payments Beneficiary Approver?
Because invoice contacts might not have the authority to sign a lien waiver for the subcontracting company, contacts can now grant signature authority to multiple potential signatories. Procore Pay collects one (1) signature on lien waivers. The first individual to sign the waiver completes the signature process. To learn more, see Share Lien Waiver Signature Authority.
Procore Pay
with payments powered by Goldman Sachs Transaction Banking (TxB)* is available in the United States. It is designed for General Contractors and Owner-Builders who act as their own General Contractors on a job. Procore Pay extends the Invoice Management
functionality in the Procore web application to handle all aspects of the payment process between general and specialty contractors. To learn more, see Introducing Procore Pay.
* Procore is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, a member of the Federal Reserve System and member FDIC. Additional Goldman Sachs Bank USA services may be accessed on its Transaction Banking online platform by visiting Goldman Sachs accounts and services are subject to its terms and conditions.
* Procore is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Commerce Bank, an FDIC-insured Missouri bank and trust. Commerce Bank accounts and services are subject to its terms and conditions.