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Release Notes for 2022-08-08

iOS | Android | API | Imports | Extracts | Drive | Sync | Data Extract

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, August 5, 2022.

Core Tools

No notable changes.


No notable changes.

Project Management

No notable changes.

Financial Management

No notable changes.

Workforce Management


Copy Previous Timesheet from Any Day

Procore has updated Project level Timesheets, allowing you to copy a Timesheet from any previously submitted Timesheet that you have access to. A new display, and filters when using the mobile experience provide context, makes it easy to find the Timesheet you're looking for. Lastly, when creating Timesheets for previous days, Timesheets are now created on the specific day that you navigated to. See Copy Previous TimesheetCopy Previous Timesheet (iOS), and Copy Previous Timesheet (Android).

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: