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Download Specifications


To download individual or multiple specifications from a project's Specifications tool. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Specifications tool.
  2. Optional: Search and Filter for Specifications
  3. Mark the checkboxes next to the specifications you want to download:
    Note: If you select a specification section with multiple revisions, only the most recently published revision will be downloaded. If you only want to download a different revision, you can use the 'Download' option when viewing the specification section revision. 
    • Select a few specifications: Mark the checkbox next to each specification. 
    • Select all specifications within a division: Mark the checkbox next to the relevant division.
    • Select all specifications in the set: Mark the checkbox at the top of the header.
  4. Click Download.
    • If you selected only one specification section to download, the download will begin immediately, and the section will open in a new tab of your browser.
    • If you selected multiple specification sections, you're asked to choose between downloading the specification sections as a single PDF (delivered to your email) or as separate pages for each section (downloaded to your computer).
      download specs1.png