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Add Timecards Entries (iOS)

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To add entries to the Timecards section of the Daily Log using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider


  1. Open the Procore app on an iOS mobile device and select a project.
    Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project.
  2. Tap the date you want to create a new entry for.
  3. Tap the quick create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon and select Timecard Entry.
    Tap the Daily Log tool and tap Timecards. Then tap the create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon. 
  4. Tap into the following fields to enter the relevant information:
    • Employee: Tap the Employee field. Select the employee for whom you are entering the timecard entry. This person must be marked as an employee of the company who owns the account. See How do I add someone as an employee of my company?

    • Classification: Tap the Classification field. Select the employee classification associated with the time entry.

    • # Hours: Tap the # Hours field. Enter the number of hours the workers from the company were on site for the day. You can also tap the + or - buttons to set the number

    • Cost Code: Tap the Cost Code field. Select from the drop-down menu the cost code associated with the entry. 

    • Time Type.
      • Beta  Auto-Apply Time Type Rules. Move the toggle icon-toggle-on-android.png to the ON to automatically apply Overtime Rules. See Configure Overtime Rules for Timesheets.


      • Time Type: Tap the Type field. Select the type of time being entered.
    • Billable: By default, the Billable field will be set to No. Tap Yes to indicate that the hours are billable. An orange background color indicates that option is selected.

    • Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.

  5. Tap Create.