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Add Weather Log Entries (iOS)

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To add Weather entries to the Daily Log using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Daily Log tool.


  1. Navigate to the project's Daily Log tool using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
  2. Tap the date you want to create a new entry for.
  3. Tap Weather.
  4. Tap the create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon.
  5. Tap into the following fields to enter information:
    • Weather Delay: By default, the Weather Delay field will be set to No. Tap the button to indicate that there was a weather delay on the day you're recording data.

    • Sky: Tap the Sky field. Select from the menu an observation made of the sky that day. You may only select one observation.

    • Temperature: Tap the Temperature field. Select from the menu the approximate temperature on site that day.

    • Average: Tap the Average field. Enter the average temperature observed during the workday. 

    • Precipitation: Tap the Precipitation field. Enter the observed precipitation for the day.

    • Wind: Tap the Wind field. Select from the menu the observed wind conditions.

    • Ground / Sea: Tap the Ground / Sea field. Select the status of the ground or sea around the project from the menu. You can only select information for either the ground or the sea.

    • Calamity: Tap the Calamity field. If the jobsite was subject to a calamity that day, enter the type by selecting from the following from the  menu: earthquake, fire, flash flood, landslide, tornado, hurricane, snow, other.

    • Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.

    • Attachments: Tap on the following options to add photo or file attachments to the entry:

      • Camera: Use your mobile device's camera to take a photo that is automatically added to the entry once you exit the camera. Or, before exiting, tap the photo to mark it up. 
      • Photos: Select photos from your device's library. Adding multiple photos adds them directly to the entry, or adding one photo gives the option to mark it up before saving it to the entry. 
      • Files: Select a saved file from your mobile device to add it to the entry. 
  6. Tap Create.