Where does business page data come from on the Procore Construction Network?
Business information for companies listed on the Procore Construction Network comes from reputable sources and is reviewed by Procore. All data can be edited by the business when it claims their business profile page.
Claimed businesses on the Procore Construction network have either created their business page themselves, or claimed their existing business page and updated it with additional information.
Unclaimed business profiles have a limited amount of information such as addresses, sectors, and trades, which is reviewed by Procore before being published. That initial information comes from:
- Customers of the Procore Platform.
- Vendors, third parties, and business partners who provide services to Procore, such as third parties that provide data collection services.
- Publicly available sources such as business and government filings.
This information is added to enhance all business profiles. To ensure accuracy, this, and other information in a profile, can be updated by the claimed business.