If you want to make changes to the inspection template that will impact all projects the template is used on, we recommend editing the inspection template at the Company level before adding the templa...If you want to make changes to the inspection template that will impact all projects the template is used on, we recommend editing the inspection template at the Company level before adding the template to your projects. If you want to make changes to the inspection template that will only impact one project the template is used on, we recommend editing the inspection template at the Project level after you have added it to your project.
Yes, the Meetings tool has the ability to send out a meeting invitation to all attendees that will link to their calendars on Microsoft Office. When you distribute the agenda to attendees, attendees w...Yes, the Meetings tool has the ability to send out a meeting invitation to all attendees that will link to their calendars on Microsoft Office. When you distribute the agenda to attendees, attendees will receive an email that will contain a calendar invitation, as well as the general information for that meeting.
To fix the error, simply point the desktop shortcut to a file called procore.explorer.exe inside of the Program files folder. Find the file location in your computer by searching for "procore.explorer...To fix the error, simply point the desktop shortcut to a file called procore.explorer.exe inside of the Program files folder. Find the file location in your computer by searching for "procore.explorer" in your PC from the Windows File Explorer. Copy the file location of the file by right clicking and clicking Copy or clicking ctrl + c. (e.g. Next to the "Start In" field, paste the true file location. (Note: To paste, right-click > paste, or press ctrl + v on your keyboard).
You want to change the name that displays on your Procore Certification certificate or the email address associated with your Procore Certification. Change your Name in Procore Certification - Use thi...You want to change the name that displays on your Procore Certification certificate or the email address associated with your Procore Certification. Change your Name in Procore Certification - Use this link to change your display name on your Procore Certified certificate. Change Your Email in Procore Certification - Use this link to create a Skilljar user account and change the email address associated with your Procore Certification in Skilljar.
This table lists the fields used in observation creation on the Observations tool that can be configured as required, optional, or hidden by Company Admins.
The 'Only Show Official Responses to Standard and Read-Only Users' configuration setting must be turned OFF in order for a user with 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool to view all...The 'Only Show Official Responses to Standard and Read-Only Users' configuration setting must be turned OFF in order for a user with 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool to view all responses to an RFI that they created. Users with the 'Act as RFI Manager' granular permission enabled on their permissions templates can view all responses to RFIs that they create ('Standard' only) or that they are designated as RFI Manager for even if this setting is turned ON.
As an RFI Manager (see What is the RFI Manager role?), you might be responsible for reviewing all of the 'Draft' RFIs that have been created by other users on a project. Once you mark the response off...As an RFI Manager (see What is the RFI Manager role?), you might be responsible for reviewing all of the 'Draft' RFIs that have been created by other users on a project. Once you mark the response official, you can quickly change the status of the RFI to open and then close the RFI. The system will notify all of the users associated with the RFI about your response (i.e., any assignees, the person on the Received From field, and members of the RFIs distribution list).