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Release Notes for 2022-09-19

iOS | Android | API | Imports | Extracts | Drive | Sync | Data Extract

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, September 16, 2022.

Core Tools

No notable changes.


No notable changes.

Project Management

Action Plans

Create Private Action Plans

Procore has added the ability to make the action plans you create private, allowing you to choose who should have access to view the action plan. Read the Announcement and tutorial to Create an Action Plan.


Custom Statuses for Correspondence Types Moved to Company Level Admin Tool

Procore has moved the management of custom correspondence statuses to the Company level Admin tool. See Manage Custom Statuses for Correspondence Types

Financial Management


Added a New Choose Delimiter Option for Schedule of Values Imports

Procore added a new option in the 'Import Schedule of Values from CSV' window that lets you choose the character used as a delimiter. A delimiter is a character used to separate values or text strings. It marks both the beginning and end of a unit of data. This supports Procore clients who work in regions where a comma (,) is used to represent a decimal symbol and the list separator is generally set to a semicolon (;).  To learn more, see Import Commitment SOV Line Items from a CSV File.

Direct Costs

Added a New Choose Delimiter Option for Direct Cost Imports

Procore added a new option in the 'Import Direct Costs' window that lets you choose the character used as a delimiter. A delimiter is a character used to separate values or text strings. It marks both the beginning and end of a unit of data. This supports Procore clients who work in regions where a comma (,) is used to represent a decimal symbol and the list separator is generally set to a semicolon (;).  To learn more, see Import Direct Costs.

Prime Contracts

Added a New Choose Delimiter Option for Schedule of Values Imports

Procore added a new option in the 'Import Schedule of Values from CSV' window that lets you choose the character used as a delimiter. A delimiter is a character used to separate values or text strings. It marks both the beginning and end of a unit of data. This supports Procore clients who work in regions where a comma (,) is used to represent a decimal symbol and the list separator is generally set to a semicolon (;).  To learn more, see Import a Prime Contract SOV from a CSV File.

Workforce Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: