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Close a Punch List Item

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To close a punch list item once all the work for that item has been accepted.


Closing a punch list item is different from marking it as "Resolved" because it signifies that the Punch Item Manager reviewed and verified that the issue was resolved. While Assignees on a punch list item can mark an item as "Ready for Review," only the Final Approver or an 'Admin' level user can close a punch list item. 

Things to Consider 

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Punch List tool.
      • A 'Standard' level Creator can only close punch list items that they have created when the item's status is in 'Draft,' and 'In Dispute.' 
      • A 'Standard' level Final Approver can only close punch list items when the item's status is marked as 'Ready to Close.'
        Note: If a user with 'Standard' level permissions is designated as a Punch Item Manager, that user can perform any action that a regular Punch Item Manager can. They do not have to be the creator of the punch list item. See Configure the Default Punch Item Manager Role and Grant a Standard User Permissions to Act as a Punch List Manager.
      • Users with 'Admin level permissions or users who are designated as the Punch Item Manager can close punch items at any time, regardless of status.
  • Additional Information:
    • A punch list item's Final Approver has the authority to close the item. You can assign a default Final Approver to your Punch List Templates as well as in your Punch List Configuration Settings. See Edit a Project Level Punch List Template and Configure Advanced Settings: Punch List.
      • If a default Final Approver has not been set, Procore will automatically list the item's Creator as the Final Approver.


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  1. Navigate to your project's Punch List tool.
  2. Click Edit next to the item you want to close.
  3. Close the item by choosing one of the following options:
    • Click Close Punch List Item  
    • Select 'Closed' from the Status drop-down list and click Save.
      Note: If the 'Closed' item is linked to a drawing, the Punch List icon will appear gray on the associated drawing.