Observations - Tutorials
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Add Project Level Observation Types
Add a Comment to an Observation
Add a Multi-Tiered Location to an Item
Add a Photo to an Observation so that it Populates in the Photos Tool
Add a Related Item to an Observation
Bulk Delete Observations
Bulk Edit Observations
Bulk Retrieve Observations
Close an Observation
Configure Advanced Settings: Observations
Create a Change Event from an Observation
Create a Project Level Observation Template
Create an Observation
Create an Observation from an Inspection
Customize the Column Display in the Observations Tool
Deactivate an Observation Template on a Project
Delete Project Level Observation Types
Delete an Observation
Delete an Observation Template from a Project
Edit Project Level Observation Types
Edit an Observation
Email Observations
Enable the Observations Tool
Export Observations as a PDF or CSV
Reject an Observation
Respond to an Observation
Retrieve an Observation From the Recycle Bin
Search for and Filter Observations
Update the Status of an Observation
View Observations by Type
View an Observation
Add Observations to a Drawing (iOS)
Add a Comment to an Observation (iOS)
Close an Observation (iOS)
Create Items from Photos (iOS)
Create Observations from a Model (iOS)
Create an Observation (iOS)
Create an Observation from an Inspection (iOS)
Create an Observation with Quick Capture (iOS)
Download Observation Items (iOS)
Edit an Observation (iOS)
Email an Observation (iOS)
Link Observations to a Drawing (iOS)
Respond to an Observation (iOS)
Search for and Filter Observations (iOS)
View an Observation (iOS)
Add Observations to a Drawing (Android)
Add a Comment to an Observation (Android)
Close an Observation (Android)
Create Items from Photos (Android)
Create an Observation (Android)
Create an Observation from a Location (Android)
Create an Observation from an Inspection (Android)
Create an Observation with Quick Capture (Android)
Edit an Observation (Android)
Email an Observation (Android)
Respond to an Observation (Android)
Search for and Filter Observations (Android)
View an Observation (Android)