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Create Custom Portfolio Reports


To create a custom report that provides a more organized, real-time view of project-specific data. For example, an owner or project manager might want to create a custom report that highlights critical project dates, as well as the name of the key stakeholders.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To create, edit, or delete a custom Portfolio report, 'Admin' level permissions on the Portfolio tool.
    • To view a custom Portfolio report, 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Portfolio tool. 
      Note: To view data from the 'Total Value' field (also called 'Estimated Value' in some accounts) in a custom Portfolio report, 'Admin' level permissions to the Project level Directory tool are required. Users without adequate permissions can view a report that contains data from this field, but will not see values from that field populated in the report.
    • To create a custom Portfolio report, 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Admin tool for one or more projects
  • Prerequisites:
  • Additional Information:
    • There is no limit to the number of custom reports you can create.


Important! Before you create a custom report, you may want to first add custom data fields that can be included in your reports. For example, you may want to add a field for highlighting key project roles and dates. See the Prerequisites above for details. 

    Navigate to your company's Portfolio tool.
  1. This reveals the Portfolio page. 
  2. Choose one of these options to launch the custom report feature:
    • Next to Custom Reports, click New
    • First, click Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png. Next, click Custom Reports and then click Create Custom Report
      This opens the Create Custom Portfolio Report page. 
  3. Do the following:
    1. Name. Enter a name for the custom report (e.g., Key Projects by Program). This is a required field.

    2. Group By. Select how to group your report information. Your grouping options are: Program, Stage, Type, and Office Name

    3. Columns. Place a checkmark in the box(es) that correspond to the columns that you want to include (Note: If you want to change the display order of your report's columns, grab the column by the more menu (≡) and use a drag-and-drop operation to place it in the desired position). 
      Note: If you want to include columns that correspond to fields that have been customized for your organization, such as project roles (e.g., Project Manager), project dates (e.g., Project Kickoff), or owner types (i.e., Owner/Builder), you must create those selections first. See Add a Custom Project RoleAdd Custom Project Dates​, or Add a Custom Owner Type.

    4. Filters. Apply the following filters to your report:
      • Status. Filter the custom report data by status by selecting Active, Inactive, or All from this list. 

      • Program. Filter the custom report data by program, select one or more from the list. These selections are created in the Company level Admin tool. See Add Programs.

      • Stage. Filter the custom report data by stage, select one or more from the list. These selections are created in the Company level Admin tool. See Add a Custom Project Stage.

      • Type. Filter the custom report data by project type, select one or more from the list. These selections are created in the Company level Admin tool. See Add a Custom Project Type.

      • Department. Filter the report by department, select one or more from the list. These selections are created in the Company level Admin tool. See Add a Custom Department.

      • Office. Filter the report by office location, select one or more from the list. These selections are created in the Company level Admin tool. See Add an Office Location.

  4. Click Save.
    The system generates your report using your specified settings. 

See Also