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Configure Advanced Settings: Company Level Inspections


To set preferences for the Company level Inspections tool.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Inspections tool.


  1. Navigate to the company's Inspections tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
  3. Choose from these options:

Type Configuration

  1. Click Create to add in any inspection types you want to add to your projects (e.g. Safety).
  2. Click Add
    Note: Inspection types cannot be edited if they are currently associated with an inspection. See Delete an Inspection Type.
  3. When you are done adding inspection types, changes are automatically saved.

Permissions Table

  1. Click Permissions Table in the right sidebar.
  2. Set each user's permission for the Inspections tab according to your preferences.
  3. For a list of what users can do at each permission level in Inspections, see the Permissions Matrix.
    In the example screenshot below, the user has 'Standard' level permissions.
