Getting Started

Recommended Learning Path for Procore Administrators

To help streamline the setup process, it's recommended that your company's Procore Administrator follow these instructions. For answers to common questions about the Procore Administrator (a.k.a., Company Admin) role, see these Common Questions.


A Procore Administrator is a user who has 'Admin' level permissions on all of the Company level Tools in Procore. Granting a user ‘Admin’ level permissions in the Company level Directory tool automatically assigns that user ‘Admin’ permissions on all Company level tools. Also called a Company Administrator.

Procore Implementation

For a detailed breakdown of each step during the implementation process, please see Procore Implementation Roadmap.




Project Level Configurations 

To learn about your tool-specific configuration options, see the links in the Tool Configuration Management table below and visit the User Permissions Matrix - Web.

Tool Configuration Management

Company Level

Project Level