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Close an RFI


In general, you should only close an RFI in one of the following situations:

  1. The responses and comments have sufficiently answered the question
  2. A new follow up RFI has been created to answer outstanding questions
  3. Something has changed (such as a design change directive) where the question no longer requires an answer

In all cases, there should be at least one response that states the outcome and what action is to be taken. For examples B and C, the RFI manager must add a response directing future readers of the outcome, and where to look for further information if applicable. These should also be marked as the official response, along with any other comments from assignees that answer the question.


  1. Navigate to the project's RFIs tool.
  2. Click the Items tab.
    This lists all project's RFIs in the Draft and Open status. You can close an RFI in either status. 
  3. Locate the desired RFI in the list. Then click View.
  4. Before closing an RFI, note that the Creator, the Assignees, and any designated members on the 'Distribution' list may be notified via email. If you want to include the 'Responsible Contractor' on the email and the contractor is NOT the creator of the RFI, add that contractor to the 'Distribution' list before closing it. 
  5. Click the Close RFI button. When an RFI is in the 'Closed' state, questions or responses can not be added. If additional items need to be added, you can reopen the RFI.
    • If you have NOT selected an official response to the RFI, a notification message asks you to confirm the close action. Please DO NOT click OK. Go back and select an official response, then click Close RFI again.
    • If a user with 'Standard' level permission created the RFI (e.g., a subcontractor or superintendent), the user will only see the Official Response if that person is added to the RFI's Distribution List.
    • If you have selected an official response, the system changes the RFIs 'Status' to Closed and shows the current date.