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Create an RFI


Tucker's work flow for RFI’s is as follows:

  1. Estimating/TLogic/Project Management Team creates an RFI, which would include the question and any relevant attachments that are needed to explain/elaborate on the question. 
  2. IF the RFI is created by the estimating or TLogic team, it is to be created as a “DRAFT” and assigned to the project management team for review. 
  3. Once the project management team has reviewed the RFI, they will change the status to “Open” and assign it to the appropriate parties (consultants, Owner, subcontractor, etc.)

In Procore, RFIs are comprised of the following RFI users:

  • RFI Creator
  • RFI Manager
  • RFI Assignee
  • RFI Forwardee

In Procore, RFIs are comprised of the following RFI components:

  • General Information. o make sure that a question is interpreted properly and can be answered quickly, it's important to include any additional information that provides related background information and context about the specific question, issue, or ambiguity or make it easier for the consultant to provide an answer.
  • Question. A formal question related to the construction project that requires a response from another person. For example, a subcontractor might submit the question on an RFI because a construction document or product specification is ambiguous. Questions can also be asked on behalf of another person/vendor. 
  • Replies: A reply sent by an assignee on the RFI. For example, a project engineer might provide a reply to a subcontractor's question to clarify an ambiguous specification.
  • Official Response: A reply (or multiple replies) that have been designated as the 'Official Response' for the RFI. The 'RFI Manager' completes this designation.

In ProcoreRFIs are comprised of the following RFI stages:

  • Draft
  • Open
  • Closed


1.    Navigate to the project's RFIs tool.

2.    Click 0064.PNG

3.    The 'New RFI' window will prompt.


RFI Fields:

General Information
  • 1. Number*: This is a required field when a user with 'Admin' level permission on the RFI tool creates an RFI in the Open status. It is NOT required when users with 'Standard' level permission create a Draft RFI.
  • 2.  Due Date: This field is only visible and available to users with 'Admin' level permission. Select the date by which you require a response from the Assigned To person. By default, created RFIs are due within three (3) calendar days. However, a user with 'Admin' permissions on the RFI tool can customize the due date setting.
  • 3.  Subject*: Provide a descriptive title for the RFI. The RFI's subject is displayed as the RFI's title in the list view.
  • 4.  Assignees. This field is only visible and available to users with 'Admin' level permission. Assign responsibility for submitting a response to the RFI question to one or more project team members. To require a response, place a checkmark next to the desired assignee name. The first assignee will be listed as the Ball In Court for the RFI. The system sends an automated email notification to any new assignee(s) with the subject line, "You have been assigned to this RFI." 
  • 5.  RFI Manager*: Tucker HiRise Project Manager
  • 6.  Distribution List: Add all users relevant to the conversation including team members, consultants, and subcontractors, foreman, etc., as well as the "assignees" and "responsibile contractor". If these roles are not added to the distribution list they will only receive emails if they are listed as a required response or the ball is in their court. Adding them to the distribution list saves time when the rfi is completed as you will not need to manually distribute the "official Responses" to the subcontractor after it is closed if they are on the distribution list.   
  • 7.  Received From. Select the person from whom the RFI question was received from the drop-down list. 
  • 8.  Responsible Contractor. This is automatically prefilled with the company associated with the person who is creating the RFI, as defined by the "Question Received From" field.
  • 9.  Drawing Number: You can manually input a drawing number into this field.
  • 10.  Spec Section. Select the relevant section from your spec book. 
  • 11.  Location. Select the location pertaining the RFI from the drop-down list. 
  • 12.  Project Stage. Select the appropriate project stage for the RFI from the drop-down list.
  • 13.  Schedule Impact. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list. 
    • Yes. Select this option if you know the number of days by which the schedule will be impacted. Then enter a number in the Days box to indicate the total number of calendar days.
    • Yes (Unknown). Select this option if you know the schedule will be impacted, but the number of days is not know. 
    • No. Select this option if there is no impact to the schedule. 
    • TBD. Select this option if you have yet to determine if there is a schedule impact. 
    • N/A. Select this option if an impact to the schedule is not applicable to this RFI. 
  • 14.  Cost Code. Select a cost code for the RFI. This links the RFI to the cost code, which is helpful later, should the RFI's scope of work affect the project's budget and result in a change order. 
  • 15.  Cost Impact. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list. 
    • Yes. Select this option if you know the amount by which the cost will be impacted. Then enter a number in the $ box to indicate the cost impact.
    • Yes (Unknown). Select this option if you know the cost will be impacted, but the amount is not know. 
    • No. Select this option if there is no impact to the cost. 
    • TBD. Select this option if you have yet to determine if there is a cost impact. 
    • N/A. Select this option if the cost impact is not applicable to this RFI. 
  • 16.  Reference. An optional field that can serve as a helpful reference tag. Double-click to get a list of recently used references.
  • 17.  Private. Select Yes or No from the drop-down list. Yes indicates the RFI(s) will be marked Private. No indicates the RFI(s) will NOT be marked Private. 



  • 18. Question*: Type in the question.
  • 19. Attachment*: Attach files related to the RFI.


4.    Click 0076.PNG This means RFI will be created and distributed to the assignees.




        Click 0077.PNG This means RFI will be created in Draft Mode and will not be distributed to the assignees.