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Create a Company 360 Report


To add a 360 report using the Company 360 Reporting tool.


The 360 Reporting tool gives users the ability to create, generate, and export customized reports. When designing a report, its author can include data captured by specific Procore tools, specify the desired column layout, and also define how to group and filter report data. After generating a report, it can also be exported from Procore into Microsoft Excel. 

Things to Consider 

  • Required User Permissions:
    • For company reports: the user has 'Admin' level permissions on the Company Directory tool.
    • For project reports: the user has 'Standard' or higher level permissions on the 360 Reporting tool and has access to the data they are creating the column with.


To create a 360 report using the 360 Reporting tool, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the 360 Reporting tool.

    • Use the company 360 Reporting tool for company reports.
    • Use the project 360 Reporting tool for project reports.
  2. Click Create Report in the top right corner.
  3. Click the Create 360 Report tile.
  4. Under Select Data Set>Product Area, select one of the following options:
    • Financials
    • Project Execution
    • Resource Management
    • Beta  User Activity

  5. Click the icon-view-columns.png columns icon in the right sidebar to configure the columns on your custom report. See Configure Columns below.
  6. Click the icon-filter2.png filters icon to manage filters on your custom report. See Manage Filters below.
    Note: By default, data from all projects (including 'Active' and 'Inactive' projects) are included in custom reports created at the Company level. Configure the Projects > Is Active filter to change which projects are included.

Configure Columns

  1. Click the icon-view-columns.png columns icon in the right sidebar.
  2. Click the > angle bracket to open or close a field group.
    Enter a key word in the search box to locate a field.

    Note: To group or filter the report's data by a supported field without adding the field as a column to your report, follow the steps below:
    • Hover over the field's name in the Configure Columns menu.
    • To group your report's data by the field, click the icon-grouped-list.png group by icon that shows. See Manage Table Groups below for more information.
    • To filter your report's data by the field, click the icon-filter2.png filters icon that shows. See Manage Filters below for more information.
      Note: Not every field that can be added as a column can be used to group or filter the report's data.
  3. Mark the checkbox next to the field name to add it as a column to your report.
  4. To move a column, click the column name and drag your cursor to where you want the column to be.
  5. To resize a column:
    • Hover your cursor next to the column's vertical ellipsis (⋮) until the ↔ cursor appears.
    • Click and drag the column to adjust its width.
  6. Click the vertical ellipsis (⋮) next to a column name to select one of the following options:
    • Group by - See Manage Table Groups below.
    • Pin Column
    • Autosize This Column
    • Autosize All Columns
  7. To turn off automatic loading and load data manually instead, click the toggle at the at the bottom of the columns list. Turning Manual Loading ON lets you decided when to update the data being shown in the report preview. Click the Load Data button when you want to update the data being shown in the report preview. 


Manage Filters


  1. Click the icon-filter2.png filters icon in the right sidebar.
  2. Click Add Filters to see which fields are available to filter data in your report.
    Note: A field does not need to be added as a column on the report before it can be used for filtering.
  3. Enter a key word in the search box to locate a field to use as a filter.
    Scroll through the filters list.
  4. Click on a field that you want to filter your report by.
  5. If the field that you selected in step 4 is a text string (such as an item's status):
    • Select the Include button or select the Exclude button.
    • Click the Select Values drop-down menu.
    • Select one or more values to include or exclude in the filter.
      Select 'None' to either include or exclude null values in the filter.
  6. If the field that you selected in step 4 is a date value, click the Select Dates drop-down menu and select one of the following options:
    • Select Fixed Date Range to set minimum and maximum dates using the Min and Max fields.
      • To see items dated before a certain date, leave the Min field blank.
      • To see items dated after a certain date, leave the Max field blank.
    • Select Custom Time Period to create your own time period to filter the results by.
      • Click the left Select drop-down menu and select This, Last, or Next.
      • Use the + and - buttons to choose the numeric value for your custom time period.
      • Click the right Select drop-down menu and select Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Quarter, or Year.
    • Select an existing time period option (such as Today, This Week, This Work Week, This Month, This Quarter, or This Year).
    • Select None (Fields with no date).
    • Select All (Fields with any date).
  7. If the field that you selected in step 4 is a boolean value, select the Yes, No, or None button.
  8. To remove a filter, click the X next to the filter name.
  9. To remove all filters, the vertical ellipsis (⋮) at the top of the Filters menu and click Delete all filters.

Manage Table Groups

  1. Click the icon-grouped-list.png Table Groups at the top of the report.
  2. To rearrange table groups, click the vertical grip (⋮⋮) icon and use a drag-and-drop operation to move the groups into your preferred order.
  3. To remove a table group, click the X next to the table group name.
  4. Click Update.