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About Procore Analytics 2.0 (Beta)


 In Beta
Existing Analytics customers can now participate in the Open Beta for Procore Analytics 2.0. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact to learn more. See About Procore Analytics 2.0 for more details.

Analytics 2.0 provides a powerful, user-friendly solution for leveraging your project data, making informed decisions, and gaining deeper insights into your overall project performance and outcomes. 

Key features include:

  • Data refreshed every hour that you can pull at any time. Plus, data is monitored for accuracy and completeness.
  • All Procore data can be pulled out, including custom fields, workflows, change history and user activity.*
  • New data platform with significantly increased scalability and data availability.
  • Pre-built Power BI reporting.

*All datasets won't be available at the start of open beta. Full feature parity with Analytics 1.0 coming soon.




  • You can continue using your current version of Procore Analytics, even if you opt into the open beta for Analytics 2.0.
  • If you're not seeing the callout to join the open beta, another Company Admin in your company may have already declined the beta agreement.
  • To re-activate the invitation or if you're having trouble, please contact your Procore point of contact.


  Analytics 1.0/Data Extract Analytics 2.0
Underlying Technology Azure SQL DataBricks
Data Refresh Daily Hourly
Procore Data Availability Limited All data from Analytics 1.0 plus new datasets1
Data Model Analytics data models are different than Procore's Analytics data models are the same as Procore's native reporting 
Authentication Need separate access token for each company Analytics data models are the same as Procore's native reporting 
Permissions All or nothing

Granular at project and tool level2


Support Documentation Limited Detailed, step-by-step guidance2

Not all datasets are available at the start of Open Beta. Feature parity availability is expected by GA.  
2 Availability expected by GA, not available during Open Beta.


Common Questions


 In Beta
Existing Analytics customers can now participate in the Open Beta for Procore Analytics 2.0. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact to learn more. See About Procore Analytics 2.0 for more details.


Below is a list of general FAQs for the Open Beta release of Analytics 2.0. 

How do I join the open beta if I accidentally declined the invitation?

Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to get reactivated in the next week's release, typically on a Tuesday or Wednesday.

As an open beta participant, what is Procore expecting of me?

Your optional feedback is welcome. Please share your experience with Analytics 2.0 within the Analytics 2.0 Beta Community Group.

How frequent is the data refresh?

Data refreshes throughout the day on an hourly basis. 

How do I connect to Procore Analytics 2.0?

Analytics 2.0 can be accessed in several ways. The most common way would be to connect in Power BI. See Getting Started With Procore Analytics 2.0

Will customers on Data Extract have to migrate to Procore Analytics 2.0?

Yes, customers on Data Extract will need to move over to Procore Analytics 2.0, now called Cloud Connector (powered by Delta Share).  Procore Analytics 2.0 will also include PowerBI reports as a feature that customers are not required to use, but they will be available for all customers with Procore Analytics 2.0.

Do I still need Power BI licenses to access Procore Analytics2.0?

Power BI licenses will still be required to share Power BI reports. 

How do I update the custom reports that were developed in-house?

Procore Analytics 2.0 now uses Databricks Delta Sharing. Any existing connections to Analytics 1.0 (Azure SQL) must be changed. Several report tables and columns have been renamed. The basic changes you will need to make include updating reports to use the new Delta Sharing connector, updating table and column names, and updating visuals that may have been broken after you made the changes mentioned above. Depending on how your report was built, there may be additional considerations. See Getting Started With Procore Analytics 2.0

How will the process for copying data to my data warehouse be affected by 2.0?

Procore Analytics 2.0 now uses Databricks Delta Sharing for data access. You can find out more about delta sharing here.    

How will joining the open beta impact Procore Analytics 1.0?

Procore Analytics 1.0 and 2.0 are completely independent of each other. Your participation in the 2.0 beta will not impact 1.0 in any way.

How will Procore-built customer reports get migrated to 2.0?

Existing custom reports will not be affected before 1.0 depreciation. Guidance for report migration services will be provided closer to GA. Report migration services will not be available prior to GA. Customers looking to self-migrate reports sooner can refer to Getting Started with Procore Analytics 2.0.

What is the plan for deprecating Procore Analytics 1.0?

Customers have 12 months after 2.0 goes GA to migrate off of 1.0 and onto Analytics 2.0. Analytics 1.0 has a tentative deprecation near the end of Q3 2025.

Can I keep using 2.0 after the open beta period ends?

Yes, if you would like to continue using 2.0 after open beta ends, you will have 90 days to sign an agreement for the new product (to replace your existing agreement for 1.0). 


For any further questions or concerns regarding Procore Analytics 2.0, please reach out to the Analytics 2.0 Beta Community Group
