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Financials Management: Introducing Work Breakdown Structure

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
 Beta Announced: 11/04/2021 |  Beta Released: 11/05/2021 | Feature Announced: 02/24/2022
Phased Release Started: 03/03/2022 | Phased Release Completed: 04/01/2022

Financials Management: Introducing Work Breakdown Structure 

Procore is pleased to announce the phased release of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is now complete. WBS is a robust, flexible method for organizing and reporting on financial information. With WBS, your company can now create a customized framework of unique segments and rules for tagging, tracking, and reporting using data from Procore's Financial Management tools. 

This update includes a new user experience in the Company and Project level Admin tools for WBS was deployed to all Procore customers. You do not have the option to opt-out of the new experience. 














Whether you're a General Contractor, Owner, or Specialty Contractor, you can choose from three (3) default segments (cost code, cost type, and an optional sub job segment on projects) and/or create up to ten (10) custom segments (such as phase, area, and so on). You can also arrange all segments in any order you want. This allows you to define a unique company budget code structure to use on all your projects. You can also opt to create a unique budget code structure for use on specific projects.

Once your budget code structure is defined, your project team can begin assigning budget codes to your project's financial line items in our Project Financials tools. To learn more, see What is a budget code in Procore's WBS?

Key Features

Procore's WBS includes these key features:

  • Continue using Procore's three (3) default segments and create up to ten (10) custom segments. In the past, Procore company accounts and projects were limited to three (3) 'segments,' or data fields, that could be used on financial line items. These segments were: cost code, cost type, and sub job (optional).  With WBS, you can continue to use those three (3) segments and you can also create up to ten (10) custom segments to add to your budget code structure at the company level. To learn more, see What are segments? and What custom segments should we create for our company's Work Breakdown Structure?

    With Procore's WBS, you can now continue to use those three (3) default segments and also create up to ten (10) custom segments. 














  • Work Breakdown Structure tab in the Company and Project level Admin tools. In past versions of Procore, under 'Company Settings' in the Company level Admin tool, there were separate pages for Cost Codes, Cost Types, and Sub Jobs. With WBS, these items are consolidated on a single 'Work Breakdown Structure' page. Your company's default 'Cost Code,' 'Cost Type,' and 'Sub Job' segments are listed in this table (Note: 'The 'Sub Job' segment only appears if the 'Sub Job' feature is enabled on one (1) or more of your company's Procore projects). Any custom segments that you create, are also listed in this table (such as Revenue Items and Phase Code). There is also an editable 'Budget Code Structure' section where you can change the order of your segments. In the Project level Admin tool, the same Work Breakdown Structure page is listed under 'Project Settings'. 
  • Create flat or tiered custom segments. In WBS, a flat segment is a segment that contains a list of segment items with no hierarchy. An example of a flat segment in Procore is the default segment: 'Cost Type.' A tiered segment is a segment built into a tiered (hierarchical) tree structure. It is most easily understood as having a parent/child relationship. An example of tiered segment is 'Cost Code.' To learn more see, What is the difference between a flat and tiered segment in Procore's WBS?

    The diagram below shows you the difference between a flat and tiered segment. 














  • A Procore Imports app that is compatible with custom segments. For customers who were accustomed to using the Procore Imports app to import their cost codes, WBS includes an update version of the Procore Imports app that has been developed to allow you to import your custom segment data into Procore. 

Common Questions

Do we have to create custom segments?

No. If your company is happy using Procore's cost code, cost type, and optional sub job objects in Procore's Financials Management tools, your team can continue using these objects on existing projects with Procore's Project Financials tools. This is because, with WBS, cost code and cost type are default segments. As in previous versions of Procore, sub job also continues to be an optional segment that you can turn ON or OFF at the project level.

If you won't be creating custom segments, the only users who will notice the WBS update are your company's Procore Administrator and any users who have been granted 'Admin' level permissions on the Project Admin tool.

These pages are being deprecated... This page is being introduced...
  • The 'Cost Code', 'Cost Type' tabs will no longer be available in the Company Admin tool.
  • The 'Sub Job' tab will no longer be available in the Project Admin tool. 
  • The new 'Work Breakdown Structure' page in the Company Admin tool now houses the 'Cost Code' and 'Cost Type' segments. 
  • The new 'Work Breakdown Structure' page in the Project Admin tool now houses the optional 'Sub Job' segment. 

As your team considers creating custom segments with WBS, important things to be aware of include:

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Can I sync budget codes with WBS Custom Segments in Procore with our integrated ERP system? 

Not yet. Procore's ERP Integrations tool is specifically designed for one- and two-way data synchronization. Data synchronization is a process that requires the fields in your Procore database to be consistent with the fields in your integrated ERP system's database. Because your integrated ERP system does NOT support Procore's new 'custom segment' concept, Procore customers using the ERP Integrations tool are not yet able to synchronize the 'custom segment' fields created for WBS. 

It is important to note that users with the appropriate access permissions to the Company and Project level Admin tools will see the new 'Work Breakdown Structure' page, instead of the 'Cost Code', 'Cost Type', and 'Sub Job' pages. However, the Add Segment button below the 'Segments' table will be grayed out and unavailable for use. You will NOT have the ability to add custom segments or add items to custom segments. 

To learn how custom segments work with an integrated ERP system, see How do I use custom segments with an ERP Integration?

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How does WBS Improve the Procore API?

Like all software products, an API proceeds through all stages of the product lifecycle. APIs are introduced, enhanced over time, and when new improvements become available, APIs are deprecated. With WBS, the new API has been improved to provide Procore customers a greatly improved and more flexible method for organizing and reporting on your financial information.

In the table below, the following WBS concepts and features on the left are being introduced. On the right, Procore plans to deprecate the legacy objects and features on a future date yet to be announced. To learn more about the Work Breakdown Structure and Procore's API, visit the icon-external-link.png Work Breakdown Structure page on icon-external-link.png

What is being introduced with WBS? What is being deprecated in the future? 1


Segment 2

Segment Item 3

Budget Code

The 'wbs_code_id' in Procore's Work Breakdown Structure

The 'wbs_code_id' is now used to store the unique identifiers from your external systems for Procore's new segment, segment item, and budget code objects. 


Cost Code

Cost Type

Sub Job

The 'origin_id' field in Procore's Financial Management tools

The 'origin_id' field is used to store the unique identifiers for your external systems for Procore's cost code, cost type, and sub job objects.

1 Procore intends to announce deprecation and sunset dates in the future. After the sunset date, these items will no longer be available to Procore customers. Procore is notifying customers of our intent now, so your team can ask questions, plan ahead, and decide how to best implement this improvement in your environment.

2 The new 'Segment' object includes two (2) default segments (Cost Code and Cost Type) and one (1) optional Sub Job segment. These segments require the new 'wbs_code_id' field. 

3 The 'Segment Item' object includes the items that reside within the Cost Code, Cost Type, and Sub Job segments. These segment items require the new 'wbs_code_id' field. 

back to questions

Do we need to update our API integrations for WBS? 

Eventually, yes. However, Procore recognizes that it takes time for our customers to develop a WBS that fits your specific environment. If you plan to use WBS to create custom segments right away, integration changes are a requirement. If you don't intend to create custom segments, no immediate action is necessary. You can continue using the legacy cost code, cost type, and sub job objects and features. However, a deprecation date for the legacy objects and features will be announced by Procore in the future. 

How much time do we have to update our legacy API integrations to the new WBS API? While Procore has not yet formally announced an official sunset timeline for the legacy endpoints that utilize cost_code, cost_type, and sub_job, we are notifying our customers now that these endpoints are listed as deprecated in the reference documentation and a sunset date will be announced in the future. To support our customers in their long-range planning processes and to provide you with ample notice, Procore's future sunset announcement will provide its users with a minimum of one (1) year's notice before the legacy endpoints are sunset.

To clarify how the changes to the Procore API affect our customers, please review the following information:

If you intend to create custom segments in WBS... 

If you don't intend to create custom segments in WBS...

Integration changes are required  

You can start using the custom segments, segment items, and WBS code objects and features. However, you must update your API integrations. 

Be aware of the following:
  • The custom segment, segment item, and WBS code require API integrations to use the 'wbs_code_id' field to store data from external systems in Procore.
No immediate action is necessary  

Until a formal deprecation date for the legacy cost cost, cost type, and sub job segments are announced, you can continue using them in Procore. 


Be aware of the following:
  • The legacy cost code, cost type, and sub job segments in Procore rely on the APIs 'origin_id' field to store data from external systems in Procore.
  • A deprecation date for the legacy 'origin_id' field will be announced by Procore in the future.

To take advantage of the new functionality associated with WBS, any existing API integrations that you have independently developed or purchased to integrate data with Procore must be updated to support Procore's new WBS API. 

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Is there an updated version of the Procore Imports app  for WBS?

Yes. If you are currently using the Procore Imports app to import your cost code/cost type/sub jobs into your Procore account, there is a new version available and it is compatible with Procore's WBS. If you are planning to import your custom segment data and have received the WBS update, you must use the new version of the app. If you have not yet received the WBS update, you can continue using the existing version of the Procore Imports app until your company receives WBS. The new Procore Imports apps is also being gradually rolled out to Procore customers starting on February 25, 2022. 

The updated Procore Imports app is backwards compatible with previous versions of Procore. After your company receives the WBS update, you must uninstall the previous version of the Procore Imports app from your Microsoft Windows system. You can then download and install the updated version of the app using the instructions below. 

Helpful resources about the updated Procore Imports app include:

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Are Custom Segments compatible with Procore's Field Productivity tools? 


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Can I turn WBS on for a single user or project? 

No. The WBS features are turned ON by Procore by default. The new user interface is being deployed to all Procore company accounts and all Procore projects.

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Do 'Cost Code' Segment Items carry over to new Projects from a Project template?

No. Cost Codes unique to a project template do NOT carry over to new projects by default. However, if your organization meets the eligibility requirements, a backend configuration setting is available to Procore customers who meet specific eligibility criteria to turn this capability on. To learn more, see How do my project specific code code segment items get carried over from a project template to a new project? 

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Where can I go to learn more about WBS?

To learn more about this exciting new feature, start by reading the About Work Breakdown Structure page. To view our full collection of documentation, please visit the Work Breakdown Structure landing page on  

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See Also

If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact