Email Specifications
Email a Single Specification
- Navigate to the project's Specifications tool.
- Mark the checkbox to the spec section or click Info next to the specification you want to email.
- Click the Email button in the right pane.
- Start typing in the "To" field and select your email recipients.
- (Optional) Add other users who should be aware of this email transaction to the "CC" list. (Note: As the sender, your name is automatically included in the CC list.)
- Change the Title (i.e. Subject) as desired. By default, the subject of the email is automatically populated with "FW: Specifications: Specification Section Revisions."
- Attach any other relevant files from your computer or from your project's Documents tool.
- Include a message in your email.
- Click Send.
Email Multiple Specifications
- Navigate to the project's Specifications tool.
- Choose one of these options:
- To send multiple spec sections, mark the checkboxes to the left of the desired section(s).
- To select all of the spec sections within a division, mark the checkbox next to a division.
- To select all of the specs within the set, mark the checkbox in the table's header.
- Click the Email button in the right pane.
- Start typing in the "To" field and select your email recipients.
- (Optional) Add other users who should be aware of this email transaction to the "CC" list. (Note: As the sender, your name is automatically included in the CC list.)
- Change the Title (i.e. Subject) as desired. By default, the subject of the email is automatically populated with "FW: Specifications: Specification Section Revisions."
- Attach any other relevant files from your computer or from the project's Documents tool.
- Include a message in your email.
- Click Send.