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Review Invoice Line Items as an Invoice Contact

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If you are an invoice contact, you will be able to see which items on your invoice are approved and rejected as follows:

  • A green checkmark indicates that the invoice line item has been approved. 
  • A red x indicates that the invoice line item has been rejected.

Procore users with 'Standard' permission can view the line items that have been approved and rejected. They can also view any comments that have been added to the rejected line item(s).

  1. Navigate to the project's Invoicing tool.
  2. Click the Subcontractor tab, select the commitment that you want to work with.
  3. Click the Invoices tab.
  4. Click Edit for the invoice that you want to work with.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Items with a green checkmark icon-inspections-pass.png to the left of the line show that the item has been approved. Items with a red X icon-inspections-fail.png to the left of the line item means that the line item has been rejected. The Comment column to the right shows any comments that have been added to the line item by the Admin user. 


  1. You can adjust your line item amounts and then click Submit for Review.