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Close an Observation

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To close an observation so that all responsible parties know that the work has been completed and accepted.


Once you have been assigned an observation, you will get an email containing all relevant details you will need to complete the work associated with resolving the issue. Once you have completed the work, you will log into Procore to change the status to "Ready for Review," telling the creator that they can now review the completed work. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
    • To close any observation:
      • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Observations tool.
    • To close an observation that you created:
      • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Observations tool.


  1. All responsible parties must Respond to the Observation.
  2. The status of the observation must be set to "Ready for Review."


When the ball is in your court on a observation, you will get an email notifying that you are required to respond. 

  1. Navigate to the Observations tool.
  2. Cick View next to the Observation you wish to close.
  3. Once you're viewing the observation in Procore, you will see a banner at the top of the page with a link to provide your response. Click Change the status or leave a comment or scroll to the bottom of the View page.

    close an observation.png
  4. Click Change Status to notify the responsible parties that the work has been accepted. Additionally, you can Add a Comment without changing the status to provide or request additional details.
  5. Click the drop-down menu and change the status to Close.
  6. Add optional comments in the comment field.
  7. Add optional files by clicking the Attach Files link and selecting files from your computer or Procore.
  8. Click Update Status to close the observation and send an email to responsible parties notifying them of your response.