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Sign an Action Plan Item


To sign for a completed item within an action plan.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Action Plans tool.
    • 'Read Only' level permissions with the 'Sign as Action Plan Assignee' granular permissions.
    • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions with the 'Sign as Action Plan Assignee for Any User' or 'Sign as Action Plan Assignee for Users within the Same Company' granular permissions.
  • Additional Information
    • The person signing must be an active user or contact in the Project level Directory tool.


  1. Navigate to the project's Action Plans tool.
  2. Click View next to the action plan with the item you want to sign for.
    Note: If the 'View' button is not clickable, the action plan is in 'Edit' mode and can only be accessed by users with 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Action Plans tool.
  3. Locate the completed item.
  4. Locate the 'Assignees' section.
    Note: Signatures required from assignees that are marked with an asterisk (*) have 'Blocking Functionality' and must be completed to release other items to be completed.
  5. Click the Assignee, either the name or entity (for example, 'Contractor').
  6. If you selected an entity, select the person signing from the drop down menu.
    • Users with the 'Sign as Action Plan Assignee' granular permission can only select themselves from this drop-down menu.
    • If someone (including yourself) is already designated as an assignee, they cannot be selected from this drop-down menu.
  7. Add the signature and click Sign.
    By clicking "Sign" you are signing this form electronically, and agree that your electronic signature is the equivalent of your manual signature.