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Workflows Tool - Release Notes

Below are the notable changes to the Company level Workflows tool. 

Recent Changes

WORKFLOW Configurations preserved when Editing Templates  (05/02/2024)

Existing project workflow configurations are now preserved when publishing a new version of a workflow template.*  After updating a template in the Workflows tool, such as a step's name or the status associated with it, the update is now seamlessly applied to project items using that workflow template. 

The following workflow template changes can now be made without requiring further project configuration updates:

  • Step Name 
  • Days to Complete 
  • Conditional fields and values
  • Item Status
  • Response additions or changes 
  • Assignee Role additions or removals*
  • Deleting steps
  • Changing the step sequence.

*Creating new custom template roles for new or existing steps will still require project level configuration once the updates are published. See Configure a Custom Workflow Template on a Project

Owner Invoices added to Workflows Open Beta (03/13/2024)

Owner Invoices has been added to the list of tools supported by the self-serve workflows open beta. See Best Practices for Creating an Owner Invoice Workflow.

Added a 'Workflows' Column to the Contracts Table in the Commitments Tool (09/28/2022)

Procore has updated the Commitments tool for participants in the Workflows Beta program. A new 'Workflows' column is now automatically added to the 'Contracts' table in the Project level Commitments tool when you complete the steps in Create a Custom Workflow Template for Commitments. Clicking the icon in this new column shows the name of the workflow manager, its current state, and the number of days (if the workflow is overdue). At this time, the column data is not included in CSV or PDF exports from the Commitments tool. It is also not synced with the ERP Integrations tool. 

Additional conditional logic options added to commitment workflows (05/06/2022)

Four additional conditional logic options have been added as options when creating commitment workflow templates. Amount Over budget on Approved Cost ObjectsAmount Over Budget on All Cost Objects, Percent of Budget Allocated to Approved Cost Objects, Percent of Budget Allocated to All Cost Objects. See Create a Custom Workflow Template for Commitments for more information.

Prime contracts added to Workflows open beta (04/26/2022)

Prime Contracts has been added to the list of tools supported by the self-serve workflows open beta. See Create a Custom Workflow Template for Prime Contracts.

Self-serve workflows open beta begins (04/21/2022)

The self-serve Workflows open beta is now available for all Procore users. See About the Workflows Beta Program.