Xero - Tutorials
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Accept or Reject Cost Codes for Export to ERP
Accept or Reject Subcontractor Invoices for Export to ERP
Accept or Reject a CCO for Export to ERP
Accept or Reject a Commitment for Export to ERP
Accept or Reject a Company for Export to ERP
Accept or Reject a Project for Export to ERP
Add Columns to a Budget View for ERP Job Cost Transaction Detail
Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to a Project
Add ERP Standard Cost Codes to the Company Level Admin Tool
Add an ERP Company to the Procore Company Directory
Add an ERP Job to Procore
Add the 'ERP Direct Costs' Column to a Procore Budget View for ERP Integrations
Archive an ERP Company in Procore
Archive and Unarchive Cost Codes Synced With an ERP Integration
Configure Advanced Settings: ERP Integrations
Configure Cost Code Preferences for ERP
Consolidate Duplicate Companies in the Company Directory
Consolidate and Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
Create Standard Cost Codes in Procore and Sync to your ERP System
Delete Project Cost Codes from an ERP Integrated Project
Delete a CCO Synced with ERP
Delete a Commitment Synced with ERP
Edit Synced Direct Cost Transactions
Edit a Commitment Synced with ERP
Enable ERP Job Cost Transaction Syncing on a Procore Project
Enable or Disable ERP Direct Exports
Export Subcontractor Invoices from Procore to ERP
Export a Commitment Change Order (CCO) to ERP
Export a Commitment to ERP
Export a Procore Company Record to ERP
Grant Accounting Approver Privileges
Link ERP Companies to Procore Companies
Link ERP Projects to Existing Procore Projects
Refresh the Cost Codes on an ERP Integrated Project
Remove Duplicate Companies from the Company Directory
Resend a Rejected CCO to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Resend a Rejected Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Resend a Rejected Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Resend a Rejected Project to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
Resend a Rejected Subcontractor Invoice to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Restore an Archived ERP Company for ERP Integrations
Retrieve a CCO from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
Retrieve a Commitment from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
Retrieve a Company from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
Retrieve a Project from ERP Before Accounting Acceptance
Retrieve a Subcontractor Invoice from ERP Integrations Before Acceptance
Send Subcontractor Invoices to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Send Unsynced ERP Standard Cost Codes to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Send a CCO to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
Send a Commitment to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Send a Procore Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance
Send a Procore Project to ERP for Accounting Acceptance
Sync Job Cost Transactions from an Integrated ERP into Procore
Sync Paid Invoice Notifications from ERP into Procore
Unlink CCOs Synced with ERP
Unlink Commitments Synced with ERP
Unlink Subcontractor Invoices Synced with ERP
Unlink a Company Synced with ERP
View an Accountant Report for ERP
View an ERP Job Costs Report
View an ERP Unsyncable Direct Costs Report
View the Archived Companies List for ERP