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Create a Bid Template Collection


To create a bid template collection in the Company Admin tool. 

Template Collections are used to contain multiple Bid Templates for the trades needed on a project. They can also be used to represent different project types for improved template organization.

Things to Consider 

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To view, create, or edit a bid template collection:
      • 'Admin' level permissions on the Company Admin tool. 
      • 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Company Directory tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • At least one (1) Bid Template Collection must be created before Bid Templates can be created.


  1. Navigate to the Company's Admin tool. 
  2. Under 'Tool Settings', click Bidding.
  3. Navigate to the Templates tab.
  4. Click Create in the Template Collections panel.
  5. Enter the following information:
    Note: Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*).
    • General Information:
      • Name*: Enter a Name for the Template Collection.
      • Cost Codes: To add cost code line items to bid templates, select the Cost Code set to use in this Template Collection.
      • Notes: Enter any notes associated with the Template Collection.

  6. Click Save.