Release Notes for 2023-11-20

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Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, November 17, 2023.

Core Tools


Updated Estimating Settings

Cost codes and cost types can now be configured at company level with the same settings that are available when sending an estimate to the budget in the project's Estimating tool. These settings are applied by default to all projects to provide more consistency. You can still override budget codes as needed in the project's Estimating tab. See Configure Default Estimating Settings.


Bid Board

Move Takeoff Layers to a New Group

You can move takeoff layers to a new group. See Manage Takeoffs.

Updated Cost Code and Cost Type Settings

Cost codes and cost types can now be configured for the Bid Board tool with the same settings that are available when sending an estimate to the budget in the project's Estimating tool. These settings are applied by default to all projects to provide more consistency. You can still override budget codes as needed in the project's Estimating tab. See Configure Bid Board Settings.


Move Takeoff Layers to a New Group

You can move takeoff layers to a new group. See Manage Takeoffs.

Updated Estimating Settings

Cost codes and cost types can now be configured at company level with the same settings that are available when sending an estimate to the budget in the project's Estimating tool. These settings are applied by default to all projects to provide more consistency. You can still override budget codes as needed in the project's Estimating tab. See Configure Default Estimating Settings.

Project Management


SUBMITTALS simplified close and distribute process

Procore has updated the steps when you close and distribute a submittal to simplify your workflow and give you additional flexibility with the information you distribute. When you click the button to 'Close and Distribute' you will complete a single form where the distribution list is automatically added to the CC field, you can choose to create a revision upon distribution, and you can select which responses, comments, and attachments to include. See Distribute a Submittal.

Financial Management


Share Lien Waiver Signature Authority

Because invoice contacts might not have the authority to sign a lien waiver for the subcontracting company, contacts can now grant signature authority to multiple potential signatories. Procore Pay collects one (1) signature on lien waivers. The first individual to sign the waiver completes the signature process. To learn more, see Share Lien Waiver Signature Authority.

No notable changes.

Workforce Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

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