Create an RFI (Android)
To create an RFI from your Android mobile device.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- To create an RFI in the 'Draft' or 'Open' status:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.
OR - 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool with the 'Act as RFI Manager' granular permission enabled on your permissions template.
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.
- To create an RFI in the 'Draft' status:
- 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.
- To create an RFI in the 'Draft' or 'Open' status:
- The 'Only Show Official Responses to Standard and Read-Only Users' configuration setting must be turned OFF in order for a user with 'Standard' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool to view all responses to an RFI that they created. See Configure Advanced Settings: RFIs.
- Users with the 'Act as RFI Manager' granular permission enabled on their permissions templates can view all responses to RFIs that they create ('Standard' only) or that they are designated as RFI Manager for even if this setting is turned ON.
- Additional Information:
- This action can be performed in offline mode. Tasks performed in offline mode will sync with Procore once a network connection is reestablished.
- Duplicate RFI numbers are NOT permitted. See Can I create an RFI with a duplicate number?
- To learn about automated email notifications, see When does the RFIs tool send email notifications?
- You can configure what items are created with the quick create
icon, see Configure Quick Create Settings.
- Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device and select a project.
Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project. - Tap the quick create
icon and select RFI.
Tap the RFIs tool and tap the createicon.
- Tap to enter information into the following fields:
Note: An asterisk (*) denotes a required field.- Subject*: Enter the subject for the RFI. This will appear as the title when viewing RFIs.
- Status*: Tap Open or Draft to indicate the status of the RFI.
- Question*: Enter your question and any additional background information that may be needed to properly answer the question.
- If you want to add files to the RFI, choose from the following options:
Camera: Tap to open your device's camera and take a photo.
Library: Tap to select an image from your device's photo library.
Files: Tap to select a saved file from your device's files.
Document Management: Tap to select a file from the Document Management tool if your company has access to this tool.
- RFI Manager*: Tap to select the person you want to assign as RFI Manager.
- Assignees*: Tap to select any team members you want to add as assignees for the RFI. See Who can be designated as an 'Assignee' on an RFI?
Note: If you want to require that an assignee adds a response, tap the 'Response Required' toggle to the ONposition.
- Due Date*. Select a date from the calendar for the RFI response to be due and tap Done. This field is only editable by users with 'Admin' level permissions on the project's RFIs tool.
Note: The 'Due Date' field is automatically populated based on the default number of days specified on the RFIs tool's Configure Settings page. See Configure Advanced Settings: RFIs. The due date also respects which days are set as 'working days' for the project. See Set Project Working Days. - Received From: Tap to select who the RFI was received from.
- Responsible Contractor: This field is automatically populated based on the person selected in the Received From field.
- Distribution List: Tap to add relevant users to the RFI's distribution list.
- Spec Section: Tap to select the spec section associated with the RFI.
- Location: Tap to select a Location associated with the RFI.
- RFI Stage: Tap to select a Project Stage associated with the RFI.
- Schedule Impact: Tap to select whether there will be a schedule impact associated with the RFI.
- Cost Impact: Tap to select whether this RFI might impact the project's total cost.
- Cost Code: Select a cost code associated with the RFI.
- Private: If you want to set the RFI to Private, tap the toggle to the ON position.
- Tap Create.
The RFI is created and emails are sent according to the project's settings. See When does the RFIs tool send email notifications?