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Edit a Photo's Information (Android)

Also available on  ios-gray-icon.jpg  web-gray-icon.jpg


To edit an existing photo's information on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions: 
    • 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.


  1. Navigate to the project's Photos tool using the Procore app on an Android mobile device. 
  2. Optional: Tap the Album icon-photos-albums-android.png, Timeline icon-photos-timeline-android.pngFeed icon-photos-feed-android.pngor  Map icon-map-mobile.png  icon in the upper right corner to change how the photos are shown.
    Note: The icon changes based on the view that is currently selected.
    Tap the photo you want to edit.
  3. Tap the information  icon-info-with-bkgd-android.png  icon.
  4. Tap into the relevant fields to modify information as necessary.
  5. Tap Save.