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View Daily Logs in the Calendar View (Android)

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 To view daily logs using the Calendar View on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To view the calendar:
    • To approve pending collaborator entries:
    • To complete or reopen a day:
      • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Daily Log tool.


  1. Navigate to the Daily Log tool using your Android mobile device.
  2. Tap Calendar View.
    Note: The calendar opens to the date you navigated from. 
  3. The calendar provides an overview of daily logs for the month.
    • A gray dot icon-daily-log-approved-grey-circle.png indicates there are approved entries for the day. 
    • A yellow dot icon-daily-log-pending-yellow-circle.png indicates there are pending entries for the day.
    • A day highlighted in green indicates the day has been marked as complete.
  4. Tap the date on the calendar you want to open. 
    Note: You can navigate between months using the arrow keys.