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Search for and Filter Bids in Your Free Procore Account

Limited Release
The Procore Construction Network is currently available in the United States and Canada.


To search for and filter bids in your free Procore account.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Member' permissions or higher for the Procore Construction Network account AND invited to the relevant bid.


  1. Log in to your free Procore account.
  2. Click Bid Board.
  3. The following actions are available:

Search for Bids

  • Click the Search bar to search keywords for bids.
    Note: Results are automatically shown.

Filter Bids

  1. Click the Filter icon-filter2.png icon.
  2. Select one or more of the following filters to apply:
    • Solictor Company
    • Due Date
    • Bid Intent
    • Walkthrough Date
    • Project Name
  3. If you want to remove filters:
    • Click the x icon next to the filter, or click Clear All to clear all filters.
    • To close the Filter panel, click Filter.

Sort Bids

  • Click any column header name (Bid Package, Project, Company, etc.) to sort by that option.
    When you click on a bid link, you'll be directed to the company's Planroom tool in Procore in a new tab. You can click on the original tab at any time to view other bids from the Bid Board.