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Search for and Filter Project Level Documents (Tucker HiRise)

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Click to view steps for the following actions:

Search for Documents

Note: Procore can search vector-based content within the following supported file types in the Documents tool: .csv, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx.  See What is the difference between raster and vector content in PDFs?

  1. Navigate to the Documents tool.
  2. Enter your search terms in the search bar. 
  3. Press RETURN or ENTER on your keyboard or click the icon to initiate the search.
    Note: A list of relevant search results appear on the Document Search page. 


Filter Documents

  1. Navigate to the Documents tool.
  2. Optional: Enter your search terms in the search bar. Press RETURN or ENTER on your keyboard or click the icon to initiate the search.
    Note: A list of relevant search results appear on the Document Search page. 
  3. Click the Add Filters drop-down menu.
    Select one of the following filters to apply:
    Note: If there are custom fields (of the Checkbox, Single Select, or Multi Select field type) applied to your project's Documents tool, they will appear as filters to select. See Create New Custom Fields.
    • Uploaded/Created By: Mark the checkbox next to a user to only display files uploaded/created by that user. You can select multiple users or select all users.
    • Uploaded/Created On: Choose from a single day or date range. You can type in dates or click on dates on the calendar to select specific dates.
    • Display files from Recycle Bin: Mark the checkbox next to 'Yes' if you want to include files that are currently in the Recycle Bin.
    • Tags: Mark the checkboxes next to any file tags you want to filter files by.
  4. After selecting a filter, click anywhere else on the page to apply the filter.
  5. Optional: To clear applied filters and display all search results, click Clear All.

Download Files from Document Search

To download a file from the Document Search page, click the Download  icon-download.png  icon across from the file you want to download.

Export the Contents of Document Search

To export the list of documents in the search result:

  1. Click the Export drop-down menu.

  2. Select PDF or CSV.