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Procore Uploads: Drawings, Specs, SIs, Addendums

Procore Uploads
All new Drawings, Specifications, Site Instructions, Addendums, Change Directives, or other types of contract documents are to be distributed to Tucker HiRise via Procore's Instructions tool by the responsible consultant or party using the following process:
In Procore, Drawings (Current and previous versions) are stored in the Drawings tool. Drawings are NOT stored in the Documents tool.

All new drawings, specifications, or other pieces of updated project info are required to be uploaded into Procore by the responsible consultant using the following process. Note that this will often require documents to be uploaded into multiple locations or tools within Procore. 

All updates to tender or contract documents are first uploaded and issued via the Instructions tool. For more information, please select the Instructions tool from the menu on the left.

Before uploading drawings, please double check that the drawing revision number, date, set name, and page date have all been updated accordingly.

1. Log In to Procore and select the project you wish to post drawings for and select it from the Portfolio View. 


2. Select the Drawings Tool under Project Management from the Project Tools menu at the top of the screen.


3. If Drawings are separated by area on your project, please select the area for which you would like to upload drawings. Note that each area requires separate drawing uploads. Once inside the Drawings Tool (or area), find the ‘Upload Drawings’ Button on the top right of the window.  




4. This will open a smaller window where you can drag and drop your files for upload (or attach manually through your hard drive). Attach the Files you wish to Upload via the manual attachment or Drag and Drop. Drawings can be uploaded as a single PDF or individual files. Please do not include Site Instruction issuance sheets in your drawing upload (Drawing Cover Sheets such as A0.00 should be included in your upload).


5. Select a Set Name from those existing in the ‘Select a Set’ dropdown, if the set name does not exist, you may select ‘Create New Set’ and title the new set to the name of the issuance if it is a grouped issuance such as "Issued for Permit". If the set is discipline specific such as an addendum or bulletin, enter the set name as "Discipline - Set Name". Please DO NOT use duplicate set names in your drawing revisions. Also, please make sure that the Set Name you select enter exactly matches the Revision/Set name on the drawings. Example: if you are the structural engineer and the latest revision on the drawings you are uploading is “Issued For Construction”, your set name should be “Issued For Construction”. If you are the mechanical engineer and the latest revision on the drawings you are uploading is “PTA 05”, your set name should be “Mechanical - PTA 05”.


6. Set the 'Default Drawing Date' as the revision date noted in the revision log on your newly uploaded drawing sheets.

7. Set the 'Default Received Date' as the date the drawings are being uploaded.

8. Press Process – YOU’RE DONE! Please be advised that you will not receive any sort of email or confirmation of the upload, nor will the drawings be visible right away. A member of the Tucker HiRise team will be automatically notified of the up load, and will then review and publish the drawing sheets.

Thank you for using Tucker’s Platform for Drawing Submission.

Once in the platform, find the project you wish to post Specifications for and select it from the Portfolio View. 



Once you are in your Project, Find the Toolbox at the top center of the screen, and find the Specifications Tool under Project Management 



Once inside the Specifications Tool, find the ‘Upload Specifications Button on the top right of the window 




This will open a smaller window where you can drag and drop your files for upload (or attach manually through your hard drive)  

Attach the Files you wish to Upload via the manual attachment or Drag and Drop  




Select a Set Name from those existing in the ‘Select a Set’ dropdown, if the set name does not exist, you may select ‘Create New Set’ and title the New Set accordingly 

NOTE: Please make sure that the Set Name you enter matches the Revision/Set name on the Specifications. Example: if the latest revision on the Specifications you are uploading is “ISSUED FOR TENDER”, your set name should also be “ISSUED FOR TENDER” 

Press Process – YOU’RE DONE ! Thank you for using Tucker’s Platform for Specification Submission 

1. Navigate to the Instructions tool, click + Create in the top right corner of the screen, and fill out details as follows:

Type: Select the appropriate Instruction Type for your issuance specific to your discipline. If you believe a new type should be added, please contact the Project Manager. For projects with a Prime Consultant with consolidated cover sheets, only the Other / Prime types will be used

  Architectural Structural Mechanical Electrical Interior Design Civil Other / Prime
Issued For Construction IFC-A IFC-S IFC-M IFC-E IFC-ID IFC-C IFC

#: Procore automatically assigns the next sequential number based on the document type selected above.

  • Please ensure the label on your site instructions matches the next available number for your discipline in Procore.
  • If you need to issue Instructions out of order (i.e. ASI-2 needs to be issued before ASI-1 is ready), save ASI-1 as a draft to preserve that ASI number, then return to the Instructions page to create and ASI-2 using the steps below. Once the previous (draft) ASI is complete and uploaded, proceed to Step 3 below.

Title: Provide a concise title explaining the update. This should me an exact match to the title shown on the cover sheet of your SI or Addendum. Do not include the # or Type in the Title.

Instruction From: Select your name

Date Received: Date you are uploading the Instruction

Attention: Ensure this includes all applicable members of the Tucker HiRise Project Team, including the Project Manager, Assistant Project Manager, Project Coordinator. If project is in Tendering/Precon, the Estimator and Project Controls Coordinator or Project Controls Manager should also be included. If unfamiliar with these contacts, a full and updated contact list is available on the project home screen in Procore.

Distribution: Leave blank. Tucker HiRise will assign to contacts from the affected trades as noted in the following section

Trade(s): Please note all trades whose work may be affected by this Instruction

Schedule Impact: Leave Blank

Cost Impact: Leave Blank

Private: Leave unchecked

Description: Provide a summary of the changes made, or copy the description from the cover sheet of your SI or Addendum.


Attach all updated documents. Note that multiple files can be attached, and it is actually preferred if you do not consolidate the entire package into a single file. Attachments should be separated as follows:

  • Cover Sheet: Must include # and Title that match those entered into Procore, as well as a description of all other attachments, and the changes represented (including documents added or deleted from the current drawing or specification set).
  • Drawings: If your project has multiple Drawing Areas (i.e. High-Rise, Mid-Rise, Townhomes, etc), please provide a separate file for the drawings in each area. Please reference Procore's Drawings tool to ensure names and areas match those designated for your project.
  • Specifications: One consolidated file with all added or modified specification sheets.
  • Schedules: If schedules and appendicies (such as fixture schedules, mechanical schedules, electrical schedules) are included in your discipline's specification book, each schedule or apendix should be givin a unique specification number so we may easily track and organize such documents. A table or index of all schedules and their associated spec numbers should be provided at the beginning of the project, and any time a schedule is added or removed from the current set.
  • CAD Files: If your project has multiple Drawing Areas (i.e. High-Rise, Mid-Rise, Townhomes, etc), please provide a separate file for the drawings in each area. Please reference Procore's Drawings tool to ensure names and areas match those designated for your project. Following IFC issuance, it is not necessary to provide updated CAD files l with every SI. New CAD files should be provided approximately once per month for clash detection purposes.
  • Revit Files: One consolidated file with all additions or modifications. Following IFC issuance, it is not necessary to provide an updated model with every SI. A new model should be provided approximately once per month for clash detection purposes. Note: Please keep sheet views in the model.
  • Other Documents: One consolidated file per "type" of document.

2. Click ‘Save As Draft’ 

3. Click "Email" and send the instruction ONLY to the Tucker HiRise Project Team (including TLogic if applicable). Tucker HiRise will assign the Instruction to the appropriate trades,update the status and distribute to trades.


Drawings, Specs, Instructions, Addendums, PTAs, CAD files, or Revit Models must be sent to Tucker HiRise via Procore's instructions tool. Other methods of delivery such as email,  NewForma, WeTransfer, etc. will not be accepted