Can I create an RFI with a duplicate number?
Can I provide users with 'Read Only' level permissions with limited access to update information in Procore?
Does a user need to log in to Procore to respond to an RFI?
How can I troubleshoot an issue with the Procore Web Application?
How do I access an RFI as an assignee?
How do I change my web browser's default email client for mailto links?
How do I control which emails are sent by Procore during the RFI process?
How do I filter items by multi-tiered locations?
How do I filter out 'Recycled' items from a custom RFIs report?
How do I mark an assignee as a required responder on an RFI?
How do I submit a response to a 'Draft' RFI when I am the RFI Manager?
How does Procore assign numbers to RFIs?
What are "related items" in Procore?
What are Procore's default cost codes?
What are configurable fieldsets and which Procore tools support them?
What are custom fields and which Procore tools support them?
What are custom sections and which Procore tools support them?
What are multi-tiered locations?
What fieldset configurations are recommended for configurable fieldsets?
What granular permissions are available for the project's RFIs tool?
What is Procore's Recycle Bin?
What is a 'Draft' RFI?
What is an RFI?
What is an advanced search symbol in Procore?
What is the RFI Manager role?
What is the difference between Document Management attachments and attachments from other tools?
What is the difference between a distribution group and distribution list in Procore?
What options do I have for numbering RFIs in Procore?
What's the difference between adding an assignee to a RFI and forwarding an RFI for review?
When does the RFIs tool send email notifications?
Where do the selections in the 'Specification Section' drop-down list come from?
Which Microsoft Excel file versions can be attached to items in Procore?
Which Procore tools can I use to create a change event?
Which Procore tools let me view digital image attachments in a map view?
Which Procore tools support granular permissions?
Which fields in the RFIs tool can be configured as required, optional, or hidden?
Which tools can attach Document Management files?
Who can be designated as an 'Assignee' on an RFI?
Who can view a 'Draft' RFI?
Why can't I delete items in Procore?
Why do some of our project's RFI numbers have two prefixes?