What fieldset configurations are recommended for configurable fieldsets?


A Procore account user who has 'Admin' level permissions on the company's Admin tool can configure certain configurable fieldsets for supported tools.

With configurable fieldsets, you can control which fields are required, optional, or hidden. This simplifies the user interface and allows you to customize forms according to your company-specific requirements. For example, if you want to make sure everyone fills out the 'Contributing Behavior' field for an incident report, you can use configurable fieldsets to mark the field as 'Required'. These fieldset configurations will be reflected in your custom reports, allowing you to improve your analytics based on what's important to your company.


If you apply a new configuration to a fieldset that is being used by an existing project, the new configuration will be applied when creating a form or updating its information. For example, if you change the 'Contributing Behavior' fieldset to be 'Required' for an observation, a user will be prompted to update the field when editing the observation.

By configuring tool fieldsets, you can create a company standard according to your business process to ensure consistency and prevent data entry errors. When you configure a fieldset, the fieldset will apply to all new projects with the option to apply it to existing projects. This makes it easier for users to adopt each tool. The answer below provides Procore's recommendations for default fieldset configurations, which are optimized for companies managing around $20M in annual construction volume.

For more information about configurable fieldsets, see What are configurable fieldsets and which Procore tools support them?

For instructions on creating new configurable fieldsets, see Create New Configurable Fieldsets OR click here to view the steps.  

  1. Navigate to the Company level Admin tool. 
  2. Under 'Tool Settings', click the tool you want to create configurable fieldsets for.
  3. Click the Fieldsets tab.
    Note: Tools without other settings in the Company level Admin tool will open to this page automatically.
  4. Click Create Fieldset and if required, select the fieldset type.
  5. Enter a name for the fieldset, then click Create.
  6. On the 'Edit Fieldset' page, each field name has the following options:
    • Click the toggle to the ON icon-toggle-on.png position to make the field visible in the section.
      Click the toggle to the OFF icon-toggle-off.png position to hide the field in the section.
      Note: A icon-toggle-on2.png icon indicates that the field is visible by default and cannot be changed to hidden.
    • Mark the 'Required' checkbox to designate the field as required.
      Clear the 'Required' checkbox to designate the field as optional.
      • Fields without a checkbox are optional by default and cannot be changed to required.
      • A gray marked checkbox icon-checkbox-marked-grayed-out.png indicates that the field is required by default and cannot be changed to optional.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the 'Apply changes to [#] project(s)?' window, click Assign Projects to add the fieldset to projects.
    • In the 'Assign Projects' window, mark the checkbox next to each project you want to apply the fieldset to and click Update.
    • In the 'Apply changes to [#] project(s)?' window, click Confirm.
  9. Optional: To set a fieldset as the default for new projects, click the icon-ellipsis-options-menu.png icon at the end of its row on the 'Fieldsets' tab and select Set as New Project Default.
    Projects created from a project template that includes fieldsets will inherit the fieldsets from the project template instead of your company's default fieldsets. See Configure a Project Template.


The tables below provide the recommended default fieldset configurations for providing a more simplified user interface with fewer required fields.

Note that a field name in GRAY italics indicates the field cannot be configured from its default setting.

These fieldset configurations may be more appropriate for companies managing less than $20M (USD) in annual construction volume.

Project Admin

General Project Settings Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Accounting Project ID/Number Hidden
Active Required
Actual Start Date Hidden
Address Required
Bid Type Hidden
City Required
Country Required
County Optional
Demo Required
Departments Hidden
Description Optional
Designated Market Area Hidden
Fax Hidden
Latitude Optional
Logo Optional
Longitude Optional
Office Optional or Required
Owner Type Hidden
Parent Project Hidden
Phone Required
Photo Optional
Program Hidden
Project Name Required
Project # Optional
Project Template Optional
Projected finish date Hidden
Region Optional
Square Feet Hidden
Stage Optional
State Code Optional
Store Hidden
Timezone Required
Type Optional
Warranty End Date Hidden
Warranty Start Date Hidden
Zip Code Required

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Person Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Active Required
Address Required
Attachments Hidden
Business Fax Hidden
Business Phone Hidden
Cell Phone Required
City Required
Company Required
Country/State Required
Email Required
First Name Required
Initials Hidden
Is Employee Of Optional
Job Title Required
Last Name Required
Send This User Messages Hidden
Tags/Keywords Hidden
Zip Required

Company Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Abbreviated Name Hidden
Address Required
Attachments Hidden
Business Phone Required
City Required
Contract Signer Hidden
Country/State Required
DBA Hidden
Email address Required
Entity Type Hidden
Fax Hidden
Invoice Contacts Optional
Labor Union Hidden
License Number Required
Name Required
Primary Contact Optional
Tags/Keywords Hidden
Website Hidden
Zip Required

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Configurable Field Recommendation
Drawing Number Required
Drawing Title Required
Drawing Date Optional
Drawing Received Date Optional
Drawing Set Required

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Incident Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Attachments Optional
Contributing Behavior Optional
Contributing Condition Optional
Description Required
Distribution Optional
Event Date/Time Required
Hazard Required
Location Optional
Private Required
Status Required
Time Unknown Required
Title Required

Injury/Illness Record Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Date Returned to Work Required
Date of Death Hidden
Filing Type Required
Hospitalized Overnight Required
Injury/Illness Required
Body Part Affected Required
Treated in ER Optional
Treatment Facility Optional
Treatment Facility Address Optional
Treatment Provider Optional
Workdays Absent Required
Workdays Restricted Required
Workdays Transferred Optional

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Configurable Field Recommendation
Assignee Required
Attachments Optional
Contributing Behavior Hidden
Contributing Condition Hidden
Description Required
Distribution Optional
Due Date Required
Hazard Optional
Location Optional
Number Required
Priority Optional
Private Required
Status Required
Title Required
Trade Hidden
Type Required

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Configurable Field Recommendation
Assignees Required
Cost Code Optional
Cost Impact Optional
Distribution Optional
Drawing # Optional
Due Date Required
Location Optional
Private Required
Project Stage Optional
RFI # Required
RFI Manager Required
Received From Optional
Reference Hidden
Responsible Contractor Optional
Schedule Impact Optional
Spec Section Optional
Subject Required

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Configurable Field Recommendation
Actual Delivery Date Hidden
Attachments Required
Confirmed Delivery Date Hidden
Cost Code Optional
Description Required
Distribution Optional
Final Due Date Hidden
Issue Date Hidden
Location Optional
Number Required
Private Required
Received Date Hidden
Received From Required
Responsible Contractor Required
Schedule Task Hidden
Spec Section Required
Status Required
Sub Job Hidden
Submittal Manager Required
Submittal Package Optional
Title Required
Type Optional

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T&M Tickets

General Information Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Description Required
Performed On Required
Status Required
Location Optional
Ordered By Optional
Reference # Optional
Company Signee Optional
Customer Signee Optional
Notes Optional

Labor Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Employee Required
Classification Optional
Time Type Optional
Hours Required

Material Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Material Name Required
Material Description Optional
Unit Required
Quantity Required

Equipment Fieldsets

Configurable Field Recommendation
Equipment Name Required
Equipment Description Optional
Unit Required
Quantity Required

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See Also