Copy Company WBS Segments to a Project


To copy company level segment items to your project's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)


When setting up your project, you can choose which segment items to copy from your company's WBS. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Admin tool. 
  2. Under 'Company Settings', click the Work Breakdown Structure link. 
  3. In the 'Segments' table, click the segment that you want to work with. The steps you follow, depend on whether the segment is flat or tiered:

Copy Flat Segments

  1. Click the Company Segments button. 
  2. Choose from these options:
    • To copy all of a copy segment to the project, click the Select All Segment Items button. 
    • To copy only selected segment items, mark the checkboxes next to the desired segment items. 
  3. Click the Copy button. 

Copy Tiered Segments

  1. Click the Company Segments button. 
  2. Choose from these options:
    • To copy all of a copy segment to the project, click the Select All Segment Items button. 
    • To copy only selected segment items, expand and collapse the desired segment items and then highlight the segment items to copy. 
  3. Click the Copy button. 

Next Steps

See Also