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Change a User's Permission Template in Resource Planning


To change a user's permission template in Resource Planning.


For projects using Resource Planning, you can manage your team using the People List. 

You have several options when creating people in Resource Planning: 'User', 'Assignable', or 'Both'. People added as a 'User' or 'Both' are required to have a permission template assigned to them. See Create Permissions Templates for Resource Planning. This tutorial details how to update the person's permission template.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions
  • Only people added in Resource Planning can be edited in the People List tool.
  • Permissions templates in Resource Planning specifically impact what a user can do within the Resource Planning tool.
  • People who are a 'User' or 'Both' must have a permission template assigned to them.


  1. Navigate to the Company level Resource Planning tool.
  2. Click People and select People List.
  3. Locate the user record to modify. Then click on their name.
  4. Locate the 'Info' section and click Edit.
  5. Locate 'Permission' and select the person's permission level.
  6. Click Save.