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About the Project Financials + Yardi Voyager® Connector


With the Project Financials integration for Yardi Voyager®, you can: 

  • Exchange information between systems to provide your project team with access to data from a single source-of-truth.
  • Reduce manual and duplicate data-entry to increase confidence that data is free from unnecessary errors.
  • Improve decision-making with access to the most up-to-date data available.
  • Streamline communication and information-sharing between your back-office and operational teams.

Feature Set Map

Exports data from Procore to Yardi Voyager® Imports data from Yardi Voyager® to Procore
Yardi Voyager®
COMPANIES   erp-green-arrows.png VENDORS3
Cost Codes
Cost Types
erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png JOBS
Cost Categories
Cost Codes
ORIGINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES erp-orange-arrows.png erp-green-arrows.png ORIGINAL BUDGETS
Subcontracts and Purchase Orders 4
erp-orange-arrows.png   CONTRACTS
COMMITMENT INVOICES 5 erp-orange-arrows.png   PAYABLES
DIRECT COSTS   erp-green-arrows.png PAYABLES

1 Due to a Yardi Voyager® update, Job Cost adjustment functionality is not available at this time.

2 The Yardi Voyager® integration only supports the linking of Procore projects that originate from Procore's Estimating and Bidding tools. This requirement only applies to projects that begin in Procore. Please see our Yardi Voyager® Things to Know page for additional requirements.

3Vendors marked as Credit Card Vendors are not supported.

4 Interfaces (Plug-in Version 25) must be installed to successfully sync work retainage. 

5Purchase Order Invoices are not included at this time.




Supported Versions

  • Required Software:
    • Yardi Voyager® 7S or newer
  • Required Interface Plug-Ins:
    • Core (Version 07.04)
    • Interfaces (Plug-in Version 21+ for 7S)
      Interfaces (Plug-in Version 25)
      Note: Interfaces Plug-in version 25 is required to sync retainage released on commitment invoices. If you do not plan to sync released work retainage this plug-in is not required.
    • Interfaces Vendor Invoicing (Plug-in Version 17+)
    • Job Cost (Plug-in Version 07.04 for 7S)
    • Interfaces Job Cost (Plug-in Version 5 for 7S)

Unsupported Features

  • Designed for use only on new construction jobs/projects:
    Projects that are in-progress or created before connection of the integration cannot be synced. Professional Services for assistance with integrating in-progress/pre-existing project records are available for an additional fee.
  • Data from these Procore tools and items do NOT sync with Yardi Voyager®
    • Prime Contract, Prime Contract Change Orders (PCCOs), Owners Invoices
  • The Yardi Voyager® integration does NOT support the following items:
    • Sub Jobs
      The sub job feature is NOT supported with the Procore + Yardi Voyager® integration. All jobs from Yardi Voyager® will equal exactly one Procore project, and sub jobs will not be enabled for those projects.
    • Tax Categories
      Commitments, invoices and direct costs synced to or from Yardi Voyager® will NOT evaluate tax information. 
    • Materials Tracking
      Materials presently stored and related retainage is NOT supported with the Procore + Yardi Voyager® integration. It is strongly recommended that materials tracking be disabled with the Procore + Yardi Voyager® integration.
    • Credit Card Vendors
      Vendors marked as Credit Card Vendors in Yardi Voyager® are NOT supported with the Procore + Yardi Voyager® integration. When payables related to credit card vendors are made, they are paid with a check of “N/A”. Due to the value not being numerical, the import and export processes fail. 

Common Questions

How often is data exchanged between Procore and Yardi Voyager®?
Exports happen instantly upon approval by your organization’s Accounting User(s). Imports happen upon requests which can be made by your Project and Accounting Teams directly within Procore. In addition to on-demand imports, there is an automatic nightly import of data.

Is the Yardi Voyager® Job Cost module required to integrate?
Yes. Procore requires the  Yardi Voyager® Job Cost module.

Will you be adding additional functionality?
We will continue to evaluate key functionality to include in the integration. What is listed in the above feature map simply denotes the current functionality.