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Sage 300 CRE® Common Error Messages and Resolutions

Common Error Messages and Resolutions

If you receive an error message from your ERP integration, review the table to find out how to resolve the issue. If you need to contact support, this page provides information about what details the ERP Support team will need to gather from you to provide a resolution. Sending the necessary information with your request for help can speed up the time it takes to resolve your case.

TOOL/SOLUTION ERROR MESSAGE CAUSE SOLUTION Information ERP Support will require to provide assistance


  A change order with code XXX already exists on this contract. The change order number entered in the ERP tool is already in use on this contract in Sage 300 CRE®. Check this contract in Sage 300 CRE® to verify the next available change order number for use.
Retry the export with the next available number.

If the item is not in Sage 300 CRE®:
Take a screenshot of the contract in Sage and contact ERP Support for further info.

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the above link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


Job has been closed.

The job is in a 'Closed' status in Sage 300 CRE®.

Reopen the job in Sage 300 CRE®. Then, retry the export.

If the issue persists, contact ERP Support and provide a screenshot of the Sage 300 CRE® Job in an Open status.

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the above link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


A commitment change order already exists with the specified id.

Commitment change order IDs need to be globally unique.

The commitment change order ID entered in the ERP tool already exists Sage 300 CRE®.

Check if the commitment change order appears in Sage 300 CRE® with expected transaction information.

If all of the commitment change order data has made it to Sage 300 CRE®, but shows as failed in Procore, the commitment change order needs to be linked by ERP Support.

Contact ERP Support and provide a screenshot of the commitment change order. 

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the above link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


A contract item already exists on this contract with the specified code.

This can happen if the line item is not marked as synced in Procore, if you modify contract items in {{integrations_sage300cre}, or if the prime contract change order is reset.

Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution.


Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


Commitment has been archived. The issue may be either the parent contract has been archived in Sage 300 CRE® or there is an issue with one of the commitment schedule of value items on the parent commitment itself not being synced properly with Sage 300 CRE®.

Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution.


Take a screenshot of the line items on commitment XXXXX in 'Job Cost >Tasks > Commitments.

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


A commitment with code [XX-XXXXX-XX] already exits.  This error may occur due to the following: a commitment was deleted and re-created, a failed previous attempt at exporting, or a different commitment exists with the same code.  Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution.  




A commitment with code [XX-XXXXX-XX] already exists. This error may occur due to the following: the commitment was deleted and re-created, a failed previous attempt at exporting, or a different commitment with the same code exists.  Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution. Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


Vendor is inactive/has been archived. 

The vendor on the failing contract has been set to 'Inactive' in Sage 300 CRE®. 


Uncheck the 'Inactive' option on this vendor in Sage 300 CRE® and verify that the vendor is still synced with Procore.

If it is no longer synced, contact ERP Support to have the vendors re-linked so the contract will export. 

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


Changing the code is not allowed. This error indicates the item has been attempted multiple times and the previous export attempts need to be cleared.  Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution. Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


No entities could be found of type [Category] with given where clause. 

The category being used on the commitment item is no longer on the job in Sage 300 CRE®.

This error is related to cost code and/or category items which have been deleted and/or re-added from Sage 300 CRE®.

Contact ERP Support to confirm steps to resolution. Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


A commitment already exists with the specified id.

Commitments will fail to export from Procore to Sage 300 CRE® if an existing commitment with the same code already exists in the hh2 database.

This can occur if a commitment was created directly in Sage 300 CRE®, even if it was later deleted.

Please review this FAQ for the steps to resolve this issue.   


  There are errors in the document's codings. Errors: Document already exists for specified vendor and code [XX-XXXXXX-XX].

There is already an invoice in Sage 300 CRE® with the same code for the vendor.


Confirm that you are using a unique invoice ID.

If you are using a unique invoice ID, contact ERP Support for assistance with rectifying any data discrepancies between the systems. 

Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


Ap Invoice Api import failed with error message: GL period closed.  Entry not allowed. (MM\DD\YYYY). Invoices will not post to a closed GL period in Sage 300 CRE®. Re-open the GL period and contact ERP Support to reset the failed export attempt. Note: If contacting ERP support using the form in the support link, reply to your case confirmation email with any relevant files, attachments, or screenshots.


The document's codings are incomplete: The document has no distributions.

In most cases, this error is because of the result of a zero-dollar invoice.

This frequently happens when
the Work Completed and New Materials Stored fields zero each other out. Once the lines
reach a net zero, the integration doesn't send any lines over for $0. In this case Procore thinks that it doesn't have anything to export.

Please correct the zero-dollar invoice.   


Ap Invoice Api import failed with error message: Commitment XXXXXXX - amount invoiced exceeds approved amount plus tolerance.

This error occurs due to a Sage 300 CRE® setting and is not due to any settings within
Procore or the integration itself.

This means that the item has gone over the
amount allowed by Sage 300 CRE® or the item is attempting to be overbilled and thus rejected.

Please check the tolerance setup in Sage 300 CRE® and adjust accordingly.

Review the Sage 300 CRE® Knowledgebase support site for further assistance.  



Ap Invoice Api import failed with error message:  [XXXXX] is an invalid expense account.

Sage 300 CRE® requires an expense account in the distribution. Since there's no
expense account/[GL Account], Sage 300 CRE® is rejecting the invoice.

This error is typically caused by a feature in Sage 300 CRE® called 'control accounts' that is turned on.

Review the Sage 300 CRE® Knowledgebase support site for further assistance.   




Entity with this ID not found. This error is due to a data issue within the integration. Contact ERP Support for assistance.  


Can't be blank. This error is due to a data issue within the integration. Contact ERP Support for assistance.  


We're sorry, an error occurred when attempting to sync your Jobs. Please contact your customer support rep for assistance.  This error is due to a data issue within the integration. Contact ERP Support for assistance.  


Unknown Error => You have surpassed the max number of requests for an hour. Please wait until your limit resets.  You have run into API rate limits. Contact ERP Support for assistance.  




A job with that code already exists. A job with the same code already exists in Sage 300 CRE®. 

You will need to contact ERP Support and confirm that the duplicate job no longer exists in both Sage 300 CRE® JC and PJ.  

Afterwards, ERP Support can reconcile the data, and you can then reject and re-export the job from Procore.


  [Name] is too long, maximum length is 30 characters.  The name you entered has more than 30 characters.  Enter a name that is less than 30 characters.   
  [AddressCity] is too long, maximum length is 15 characters.  The address/city you entered has more than 15 characters. Enter an address/city that is less than 15 characters.  
  [AddressZip] is too long, maximum length is 10 characters.  The address/zipcode you entered has more than 10 characters.  Enter an address/zip that is less than 10 characters.  
  A job already exists with the specified id.  Job IDs have to be globally unique.  Please verify that the job ID being used is unique.