Integration by Ryvit: Export a Procore Budget to Viewpoint® Vista™



Things to Consider


Budget Setup Workflow

If you are setting up the budget for a Procore + Integration by Ryvit project for the first time, use the workflow below as a guideline. 

  • Important! When setting up a new project in Procore, you must always create the budget in one system and then import or export it to the other system. You cannot create a budget in both systems and then link those budgets at a later time.


Budget Update Workflow

If you need to update a budget in Procore after exporting it to Viewpoint® Vista™ with the Integration by Ryvit, use the workflow below as a guideline. 

  • Important! Budget deletions are not currently supported for export to Viewpoint® Vista™.



  1. A project manager ( or user with 'Admin' permission on the Budget tool) will:
  2. An accounting approver will accept the budget (see Integration by Ryvit: Accept or Reject a Budget for Export to Viewpoint® Vista™). Once accepted, the system exports the budget data from Procore and syncs it to Viewpoint® Vista™. 
  3. When the export is successful, go to the JC Original Estimates form in Viewpoint® Vista™ to review the exported Original Budget amounts. See your Viewpoint® Vista™ Help system for instructions.
    After you sync the budget for the first time, you can also sync an updated Procore budget to Viewpoint® Vista™.

See Also

The Integration by Ryvit is the product of a partnership between Procore and Ryvit, a third-party developer. Viewpoint, Inc. is not affiliated with this connector. All Viewpoint® Vista™ marks and logos are owned by Viewpoint, Inc.