Integration by Procore: Resend a Rejected PCCO to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance


To resend a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO) to the ERP Integrations tool for accounting acceptance.


If you have a PCCO in Procore that does NOT exist in Viewpoint® Spectrum®, you can export it to Viewpoint® Spectrum®. The first step in this process is to locate the PCCO in the Project level Prime Contract tool. Next, use the steps below to resend it to the ERP Integrations tool. An accounting approver can then review the PCCO and accept or reject it. After it is accepted by the approver, the data is exported from Procore to Viewpoint® Spectrum®.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Project level Prime Contracts tool.
  2. Click the Change Orders tab.
  3. Locate the desired PCCO in the list.
  4. Choose from these options:
    • If the PCCO is in the Approved status, click View
    • If the PCCO is in any other status, click Edit. Then change the status to Approved and click Save at the bottom on the page.
      Note: You must have 'Admin' level permission on the Prime Contract tool or be a 'Designated Approver' on the PCCO to change the status of a PCCO to Approved.
  5. If the PCCO is in the 'Approved' status, click Resend to ERP.
    Note: If this button is grayed out and unavailable, it is most likely because the PCCO has not been approved. Hover your mouse cursor over the tooltip for more information. 


    The system sends the PCCO to the Company level ERP Integrations tool and the icon at the top of the page changes to BLUE. See What do the ERP icons mean?

Next Step

See Also