Create an Action Plan


To create an action plan from the project's Action Plans tool.


The Action Plans tool helps ensure that your unique company and project-specific requirements are clearly defined, centralized, and organized. Action plans created in Procore are reviewed for approval by key project stakeholders before being performed, and then reviewed again (along with any related records provided as evidence) after completion to confirm that the set standard of quality was met.

Things to Consider



Add General Information

  1. Navigate to the project's Action Plans tool.
  2. To create an action plan without a template, click +Create and click +Create New Plan.
    To create the action plan from a template, click +Create and click the template name under 'Templates'.
    Note: Action plan templates that are in 'Edit' mode cannot be selected.
  3. Complete the following under 'General Information'.
    • Name. Required. Enter a name for the action plan.
    • Plan Manager. Select the user responsible for overseeing all stages of the action plan throughout its cycle.
    • Type. Required. Select a type from the list. See Create Action Plan Types.
      To create a type while creating the action plan with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool:
      • Click +Create Type.
      • Enter a name for the type. 
      • Click Create.
    • Location. Select a location from the list.
      Click +Create Location, enter a location name, and click Create.
    • Description. Enter a description for the action plan.
    • Action Plan Approvers. Click Add Approvers and select one or more users from the list to add them as 'Action Plan Approvers'.
    • Completed Action Plan Receivers. Click Completed Action Plan Receivers and select one or more users from the list to add them as 'Completed Action Plan Receivers'.
  4. Click Create & Add Sections.
    A banner displays to confirm the action plan is created. The page is automatically refreshed and now includes the 'Sections and Items' section. See Add Sections and Items below.
    Clicking Create & Add Sections shifts the action plan into 'Edit' mode. While in 'Edit' mode, any changes made to the action plan's General Information or Sections and Items are saved automatically. The 'All Changes Saved' message displays at the bottom of the screen to confirm when the changes are saved successfully.

Add Sections and Items

  1. Enter a name for the first section.
  2. Complete the following for the first item within the first section:
    • Under the 'Title' column, enter a name for the item.
    • Under the 'Acceptance Criteria' column, enter any requirements associated with this item's successful completion.
    • Under the 'References' column, click +Add References to attach one or more files from your computer or to link one or more of the project's specification sections.
      • To link specification sections, complete the following in the 'Add References' window:
        • Click Specifications.
          Note: The action plan will always reference the latest version of the specification. If you reference version 1.0 and later upload version 1.1 the action plan will reference the latest version.
        • Mark one or more checkboxes next to the divisions or sections you want to add and click Save.
      • To link drawings, complete the following in the 'Add References' window:
        • Click Drawings.
          Note: Action Plans always references the latest version of drawings uploaded. 
        • Select the applicable drawing name and discipline from the dropdown.
        • Mark one or more checkboxes next to the images you want to add and click Save.
      • To attach files from your computer, complete the following in the 'Add References' window:
        • Click Attachments.
          Note: If you are creating an action plan using an action plan template, any attachments added to the action plan template can be removed by clicking the X next to the file name.
        • Attach one or more files from your computer and click Save.
    • Under the 'Due Date' column, select a date for the item to be completed by.
      Note: The item's due date can be modified or removed by a user with 'Admin' level permissions to the Action Plans tool while performing the action plan.
    • Under the 'Assignees' column, click +Edit Assignees to assign responsible parties to the item and to designate whose signatures are requested. 
      In the 'Edit Assignees' window, complete the following:
      • Under 'Blocking Functionality', select the button for one of the following options: (See What is 'Blocking Functionality' in an action plan?)
        • Assignee signature required to release rest of section. This will require the assignee's signature before all remaining items in the same section are released to be completed but will allow released items in other sections to be completed.
        • Assignee signature required to release rest of plan. This will require the assignee's signature before all items in all remaining sections are released to be completed.
        • None. This will allow other released items in the action plan to be completed regardless of when this item's assignee adds their signature.
          Note: The assignee's signature must be marked as 'Required'.
      • Click Select Assignee and select the entity (e.g., 'Contractor') for the responsible party.
        Note: Specific users can be added as assignees when the action plan is being performed.
      • Click Create Person to add an Individual Assignee. This allows you to add a single person to as the responsible party. 
      • Click Select Verification Method and select the method the responsible party should use to verify the item's completion. See Create Action Plan Verification Methods.
        To create a verification method while creating the action plan with 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Admin tool:
        • Click +Create New Verification Method.
        • Enter a name for the verification method. 
        • Click Create.
      • If you selected Assignee signature required to release rest of section or Assignee signature required to release rest of plan as noted above: Mark the checkbox in the 'Required' column to require the assignee's signature and to block remaining items in the section or in the plan from being completed until this assignee adds their signature.
      • Click +Add Assignee to add additional entities for additional responsible parties.
      • Click Save.
        • Assignees added when an action plan is being created or edited are considered required and can only be removed while creating or editing an action plan.
        • Additional assignees added while an action plan is being performed are considered optional and can be removed while performing or editing an action plan.
    • Under the 'Records' column, click +Add Records to request one or more records to be included as part of the item's completion.
      • To request inspection templates to be completed for the item, click Inspections in the 'Add Requested Records' window and complete the following:
        • Mark one or more checkboxes next to each inspection template you want to request to be completed.
          Note: 'Read Only' level permissions or higher are required on the Company level Inspections tool to request records from the Inspections tool.
          Granular permissions enabled on your Action Plans permissions template. For users with 'Read Only' permissions granular permissions must turned ON. For users with 'Standard' and above permissions granular permissions are turned on by default. 
      • To request an attachment to be added for the item, click Attachments in the 'Add Requested Records' window and complete the following:
        • Mark the 'Select to require an attachment for this item' checkbox.
      • Click Save after selecting the requested records for the item.
  3. Click +Add Item to add a new item within the section.
  4. Click +Add Section to add a new section.
  5. Continue adding sections and items as necessary.
  6. To delete a section or item:
    • Hover your cursor over the end of the row and click the icon-delete-trash4.png icon that displays.
    • In the 'Delete Section' or 'Delete Item' window, click Delete.
  7. When you are finished adding sections and items, click Done to finish creating the action plan.
    Clicking Done shifts the action plan into 'View' mode where it can be approved and performed.

Next Steps

See Also